Teller Report

Deputy Prime Minister Aso and Finance Minister "I am not thinking about reducing social insurance premiums"

3/19/2020, 11:43:57 AM

In a committee of the House of Councilors on the 19th, Deputy Prime Minister Aso and a ...

Aso Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister `` I am not thinking about reducing social insurance premiums '' March 19 20:35

In a committee of the House of Councilors on Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Aso expressed negative views on including social security premium reductions in additional economic measures following the spread of the new coronavirus.

Organizations to which local SMEs are affiliated have been calling for governments to reduce the burden on corporations, for example, by requesting the government to reduce or exempt social insurance premiums such as Employees' Pension Insurance and health insurance and to extend the payment deadline.

Under such circumstances, at the House of Councilors Finance and Finance Committee meeting held on December 19, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Aso asked whether additional economic measures should include reduction of social insurance premiums. Has a system that allows them to receive benefits in return for the premiums paid, and the premiums are a financial source for providing services. We do not consider reducing social insurance premiums as an economic measure. " Showed negative thoughts.

Minister Aso then commented, "We have yet to see how the effects of infectious diseases on the economy will converge. Must support corporate financing. "First, he emphasized the idea of ​​giving priority to corporate financing measures.

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