Teller Report

Coronavirus: how to live containment well?

3/19/2020, 9:42:44 AM

France decreed general containment on March 17 to stem the coronavirus pandemic. An exceptional situation which can be difficult to live mentally. France 24 interviewed specialists…

Living in the time of the coronavirus. Since March 17, the French government has decreed almost total containment to slow the pandemic. All French people are called upon to stay at home and limit their travel to what is strictly necessary under penalty of a fine. Whether you live alone, as a couple or as a family, this confinement can quickly become difficult to live with.

"We face an enemy who is invisible, it immerses us in a feeling of deep helplessness. The only way we have to act is precisely to do nothing and to remain confined", explains Johanna Rozenblum, psychologist clinician in Paris, interviewed by France 24. "It is counter-intuitive because usually in the face of a threat, we act! Being anxious about the situation, about this imposed closed session or about the future is completely normal."

"By staying away, we save lives"

Several recent studies have shown that a large proportion of patients with Covid-19 remain asymptomatic, that is to say that they do not develop any symptoms but can potentially transmit it to fragile people.

Passing confinement with loved ones can, in its conditions, look like a vicious and insoluble trap. To break the isolation and preserve his loved ones, Sylvain Letuvée, clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, recalls that other means of communication are possible. "Besides, what I observe around me is that people have never communicated so much about their experiences," she said to France 24. "Sharing your feelings and thoughts allows you to support yourself psychologically. "

"By staying away, we save lives, it's an unarmed and hand-to-hand combat," says Johanna Rozenblum.

Saving lives has never been easier. Just stay at home! #coronavirus # Covid_19 #RESTEZCHEZVOUS #stayhome

- Mathieu Persan (@mathieupersan) March 13, 2020

The entire population must remain confined to the house under penalty of a fine, except for food, medical treatment or work. Some 100,000 police and gendarmes have been deployed in the country to enforce these measures. A climate necessarily anxiety-provoking which can reach the most fragile people.

"For people who are already alone, containment measures add loneliness to that which already exists. Now is the time to re-establish links with friends, family or work colleagues," continues the psychiatrist. "Take news but also give it: it is important to be able to verbalize what you feel. Making your sadness, anger or anxiety heard helps to reduce negative affects. It is essential."

"It can be useful to devote one or more moments during the day to get information and communicate with those close to you, and reserve other moments to do something alone, without your mobile nearby: take care of yourself by doing things concrete and pleasant, create a safe and positive living environment by cleaning, tidying up, and redeveloping your space ", adds Sylvain Letuvée. "And if you remain very anxious or depressed, do not hesitate to consult for psychological support. Many psychologists now offer tele-consultation or telephone sessions."

Families get organized

Since March 16, nurseries, schools, colleges, high schools and universities have been closed. And telework has also become the rule in businesses where this is possible. Children therefore find themselves dependent on parents. It is up to them to ensure educational continuity, sometimes by continuing their professional activities.

"To work at home is to be outside the framework of the workplace. It is then a question of building your own framework at home, which is difficult. For that, we will make sure to work alone in a room, giving themselves fixed schedules during the day, taking breaks and eating time. If you are in a relationship, agree with the spouse on the organization of this working time. If you have children , plan relays, "advises Sylvain Letuvée.

This is the solution that Pôline Perronerie, a dance teacher in Vitré (Brittany, west of France), naturally adopted for this exceptional period. With his companion, Florian, basketball coach, they must now stay at home with their son Maceo, 3 and a half years old. The small family organized and reinvented their professional life.

"In the morning, I work. I try to write lessons for my students so that they continue to dance at home. With confinement, there have been lots of initiatives providing choreographies," he explains. she, contacted by phone by France 24. "In the afternoon, it's Florian's turn to work. He also set up distance exercises for his players as well as a sporting challenge across the club. The idea is to encourage sports despite confinement. "

And Macéo in all this? "He realizes that something is happening. He understood that he should not go out anymore and that he could not go to school. But he is especially happy to spend his days with his parents", smiles Pôline, who explains that to keep a semblance of school rhythm at this young age, they printed a workbook for daily sessions.

And to explain the concept of virus, the two parents made him listen to an educational podcast on "Vidoc le virus", which allowed him to learn the good gestures, like coughing in his elbow.

"Talking to your children is absolutely essential," confirms Johanna Rozenblum. "First of all, you have to welcome their own story. Hear their understanding of the situation, hear their words and their questions. The speech can then be resumed and you can provide clarification or corrections using language simple and within their reach. Being a parent means being able to reassure and protect, even if the situation is unclear for the child. All initiatives intended to help better understand what is happening without alarming and by adapting to the different age groups are good to take. "

Initiatives to overcome boredom

Children are not the only ones to have to look after during this period of confinement. Adults also seek to deceive boredom. And initiatives are multiplying in this area. The Canal group has also announced that all of its content will be available in the clear during containment.

The Ministry of Culture launches, from Wednesday, March 18, the #CultureChezNous operation. The ministry's website will be transformed into a directory of free cultural content with, firstly, all the actions of remote cultural offers launched by public operators: Paris Opera, Pompidou Center, Palais de Tokyo, BNF .. .

#Culturecheznous Until March 31st minimum, everyone is invited to stay at home to avoid the spread of Covid-19. In this unprecedented period, we invite you to discover the exceptional digital cultural offer of @MinistereCC 👉

- Ministry of Culture (@MinistereCC) March 18, 2020

In this period of uncertainty, our first reflex is also to turn to the media for information. In France, Le Monde and Liberation have opened their content concerning the coronavirus. Ouest-France offers two months of free digital subscription to keep its readers informed. However, continued exposure to current events can contribute to creating a climate of permanent anxiety.

"The anxiety generated by the situation pushes us to inform ourselves. At the same time, continuously exposing ourselves to information concerning the pandemic creates anxiety. It is a loop that multiplies the anxiety", explains Sylvain Letuvée. “So, it is not a question of cutting oneself off from the media because we need essential information to know how to act for our security. It is better to consciously select useful and relevant information and avoid reading and relaying rumors and dramatic predictions. ”

"Look into areas of interest"

Finally, many people hope to use this time at home to carry out projects that daily life has put off until tomorrow: reading a book that has been collecting dust for years, watching a series that we have long recommended interior design, artistic reflection, etc.

"It is a great idea! It is not 'to deceive boredom', it is to focus on areas of interest, passions that we have neglected for lack of time or priority. The current situation will undeniably bring us to deep questioning, "says Johanna Rozenblum." Isolation is also to look in the face and review the time we want to give in the future to work, to our family, to our This confinement is perhaps a moment which is imposed on us, but it is in some respects the occasion for introspection and to review our values. "

But be careful not to fall into another type of anxiety: "These are ideal prospects of occupation corresponding to desires but that the person will not necessarily manage to put in place. We can quite make a list of things possible to do but without making it a project to be carried out absolutely, which would necessarily create a feeling of failure ", explains Sylvain Letuvée. "But if we accept to live with ourselves, to accept this solitude, sometimes creativity movements can occur in writing, in the arts if we practice one. As such, confinement can turn out to be an ordeal very fruitful in self-discovery. Any concrete action to take care of yourself and its environment will give a feeling of satisfaction and reduce the agonizing ruminations. "

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