Teller Report

A shares fell across the board: the Shanghai index fell more than 2%, and the photoresist concept was active against the market

3/19/2020, 10:21:19 AM

Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client, March 19th, in the early hours of Thursday, the three major A-share indexes opened differently, and then collectively fell. The Shanghai Index once fell to 3%, a new low for the year. Towards the close of noon, the photoresist concept rose against the trend, the early strong themes extinguished, and heavyweights such as liquor and insurance tumbled across the board.

Source: Wind

As of 11:30, the Shanghai Composite Index was reported at 2670.37 points, a decrease of 2.14%, and the transaction volume was 198.75 billion yuan. The Shenzhen Component Index was reported at 9836.21 points, a decrease of 1.93%, and the transaction volume was 294.112 billion yuan. The GEM Index was 1866.14 points, a decrease of 1.11%.

Most of the industry sectors are green, with insurance, medical care, brewing, banking, textiles and apparel falling the most; hotels and restaurants, commercial chains, semiconductors, and telecommunications operations are among the highest.

The insurance sector tumbled 3.80%. None of the stocks rose. China Life Insurance fell more than 6%. China Pacific Insurance fell more than 5%. Ping An of China, Xinhua Insurance, and China Life Insurance all fell.

The concept plate also fell more or less, with mask protection, wind and sand management, luxury goods, and biological vaccines leading the declines; lithography machines, new retail, data centers, gallium nitride, and phosphorous concepts rising the most.

The concept of the lithography machine rose by more than 4% against the market trend. Among them, Shengli Precision, Lanying Equipment, Feikai Materials, Rongda Photosensitive Daily Limits, Jingrui Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xinyang, etc. followed suit.

Overall, a total of 1074 stocks rose in the two cities, of which 75 stocks such as Nanda Optoelectronics, Bangxun Technology, and Igor rose more than 5%. 2596 stocks fell, and 143 stocks including ST East Ocean, ST Yabang, and Shellett fell more than 5%. In terms of turnover rate, a total of 17 stocks have a turnover rate of more than 20%, of which Dongyue Silicon Materials has the highest turnover rate of 48.81%.

Huaxin Securities research report analysis, the US stock market triggered the fuse mechanism again overnight, the downward pressure on A shares in the early trading is obvious. In the recent stage, the continuous plunge of U.S. stocks has a significant drag on A-shares. At the same time, because the inflection point in overseas markets is not clear, there is still a lot of uncertainty in the future. The fluctuations may be difficult to end.

Shanxi Securities analysis shows that the domestic epidemic has entered a controllable stage, but the trend of overseas epidemic's accelerated spread is not optimistic. It is necessary to be alert to the possibility of the epidemic recurring again and the difficulty of A-shares to stand alone in the context of the global economy falling into the risk of recession. Certainty has increased dramatically, and investors need to be more cautious. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

(The opinions in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Investment is risky and you must be cautious when entering the market.)

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