Teller Report

Zhejiang sets up Chinese medical expert team to go to Italy

3/17/2020, 2:25:51 PM

On March 17, Zhejiang Province set up a Chinese Anti-epidemic Medical Expert Team to go to Italy to help deal with the epidemic. The expert group consists of 12 people, and their party will depart from Shanghai Pudong Airport to Milan, Italy on March 18. Bring along a batch of donated and urgently needed medical treatment items from Zhejiang Province, including 30 sets of ICU equipment such as ventilator, monitor, dual-channel infusion pump, 2 sets of portable color Doppler ultrasound, 60,000 laboratory test reagents, and 1 A total of 9 tons of protective materials and commonly used drugs were approved, and Zhejiang accumulated a total of 35.4 tons of materials to support the local epidemic. After the expert group's disapproval, they mainly shared and exchanged experiences with local hospitals and experts in the prevention and control of new coronary pneumonia, provided guidance and consultation on prevention and control and diagnosis and treatment, and carried out medical treatment for local Chinese embassies and consulates, Chinese-funded enterprises personnel, overseas students, and overseas Chinese. Health guidance and help.

(Reporter Shen Yishan Editor Xiao Zihe)

Editor-in-chief: [Wang Kai]

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