Teller Report

Twenty-eight new cases of Covid-19 confirmed in New Aquitaine

3/17/2020, 6:43:28 PM

These new cases of coronavirus bring to 207 the number of confirmed cases in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

The informative poster at the Bordeaux University Hospital. - NICOLAS TUCAT / AFP

  • This Tuesday, 28 new cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. This brings the number of confirmed cases in the region to 207.
  • In the region, the situation is tightening but less quickly than in other regions, notes the regional health agency. Only Lot-et-Garonne slightly exceeds the epidemic threshold of 10 confirmed cases out of 100,000 inhabitants.
  • "The wave is coming, we expect," warned Professor Denis Malvy, head of the tropical diseases and traveler unit at the Bordeaux University Hospital.

Twenty eight. This is the number of new cases of Covid-19 confirmed this Tuesday in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. This brings the number of confirmed cases in the region to 207. Either four cases in Charente, 30 in Charente-Maritime, five in Corrèze, four in Creuse, seven in Dordogne, 34 in Gironde (five new confirmed cases), ten in Landes, 47 in Lot-et-Garonne, 20 in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, five in Deux-Sèvres, 21 in Vienne and three in Haute-Vienne. Eleven confirmed cases are awaiting geolocation.

If there has been an acceleration in the number of people affected by the disease in France for the past few days, in New Aquitaine, the situation is tightening but less quickly than in other regions, notes the regional health agency ( ARS) in its daily bulletin. "Only one department, Lot-et-Garonne, slightly exceeds the epidemic threshold of 10 confirmed cases out of 100,000 inhabitants with 11 confirmed cases out of 100,000 inhabitants", continues the ARS, noting that a dozen patients are in intensive care .

Nearly 300 Covid-19 tests carried out during the week

"We are still far from doubling cases every three days on a national average, which leaves us a little time to deal with this runaway," acknowledged Michel Laforcade, Director General of ARS, at a conference press in its premises. This allows the region to pursue a "containment strategy" based on wider screenings, unlike the measures planned since the transition to Saturday "stage 3" (active circulation of the virus) which provides for tests on targeted audiences (fragile people and health professionals with symptoms in particular).

The ARS has therefore announced the ramp-up of its screening capacities in the three CHUs in the region (Bordeaux, Poitiers, Limoges), which can drop from 410 per day to 590, with the possible support of around twenty private laboratories and 14 secondary establishments present in the 12 departments. To date, during the week, nearly 300 Covid-19 tests are carried out in New Aquitaine and around 230 tests per day are analyzed at weekends.

"The wave is coming, we expect it"

"There has been no cluster in New Aquitaine and this efficient screening strategy as well as containment measures" should allow "less dissemination in the Southwest than in other regions," said Philippe Morlat, president of the medical commission of establishment of the hospitals of Bordeaux, which wants to be "optimistic".

[Memo # COVID19] What to do if I cough / have a fever? 🤒
➡️I have no symptoms = #jerestechezmoi
➡️I have symptoms (cough, fever) = #jerestechezmoi & I contact my doctor (followed by📞or teleconsultation). If the symptoms worsen, I contact the 15 📞

- ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine (@ARS_NAquit) March 17, 2020

However, "if the situation is relatively preserved (in the region) the wave is coming, we count on it," warned Professor Denis Malvy, head of the tropical diseases and traveler unit at the Bordeaux University Hospital where "a point deported yard that filters arrivals at the emergency "was installed Monday in tents, said Frédéric Guérin, health executive.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

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