Teller Report

Coronavirus: how do Samu's platforms handle calls from the 15th?

3/17/2020, 5:01:56 PM

At the microphone of Mélanie Gomez, in & nbsp; Sans Rendez-vous & nbsp; on Europe 1, Doctor Kadiba Coulibaly, emergency doctor in Samu, explains how the platforms manage & nbsp; the calls received, so as not to unnecessarily clog up emergencies, or even to avoid people suffering from benign pathologies from contracting the coronavirus by going to the hospital.

At the microphone of Mélanie Gomez, in Sans Rendez-vous on Europe 1, Doctor Kadiba Coulibaly, emergency doctor in Samu, explains how the platforms manage the calls received, so as not to unnecessarily clog up emergencies, or even to avoid to people suffering from benign pathologies to contract the coronavirus while going to the hospital.


"We are facing a situation where the number of calls has tripled, or even quadrupled in certain departments". Since the reinforcement of containment measures, in an attempt to stem the coronavirus epidemic, the Samu has faced an increasing number of calls. Operators must be able to sort through the various requests, to avoid unnecessarily clogging up hospital emergencies during this period of health crisis, as explained by Mélanie Gomez in Sans Rendez-vous on Europe 1, the Doctor Kadiba Coulibaly, emergency doctor at Samu-94 in Val-de-Marne.

"Emergencies end up with an influx of patients who have everyday diseases, others who really have the coronavirus, or the elderly, with frailty. It all mixes up," explains this emergency doctor. To avoid this kind of situation, conducive to promoting the spread of the virus, a scrupulous distribution of calls was put in place by the 15th.

"There are medical regulation assistants who answer 15 and do an extraordinary job. Their role is to organize and guide calls as best as possible", between two types of practitioners: city doctors and emergency doctors, details Kadiba Coulibaly.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Tuesday March 17th

Avoid exposing other patients to the coronavirus

"Emergency physicians are there to respond to life-threatening emergencies," especially those potentially linked to coronavirus infection. "People who are doing fairly well are referred to town doctors", therefore people who may also be positive for coronavirus but who have a mild form of the disease, and those who suffer from problems now considered minor in view of the current situation. "We must leave people with mild pathologies at home, who would usually go to the emergency room to do a radio to check what they have. The idea is to avoid exposing them to the coronavirus."

And to recall that a telephone platform has been specifically opened to respond to people who do not have symptoms but who wonder about the Covid-19. This platform can be reached via the toll free number: 0 800 130 000 , 24 hours a day, every day.

>> Find the whole of Sans rendez-vous in replay and podcast here