Teller Report

"Flying House" Calligraphy and Painting Contest Finalists Convey Warm Power-China News

3/17/2020, 3:01:34 PM

Recently, the "Flying House" Wuhan Children's Epidemic-resistant Painting and Calligraphy Competition, sponsored by the Medical Herald and supported by Bu Laoquan Taiji Water Public Welfare, has been created and evaluated for 30 days. 888 works such as "Retrograde Angel", "Come on in Wuhan", "Let me protect you", "Come back, I am waiting for you", "Discharged" and so on are all warm scenery. In this warm scenery, it is a child The lively performance of our family ’s "epidemic", active cooperation and active participation in the "epidemic" of the national war is a light of warmth and hope for the children to help fuel the "epidemic" together.

"Get off! NCP "Author: Xiong Zixin

Release time: 2020-03-17 10:46:02 [Edit: Li Yanyun]