Teller Report

Thrust into the Champions League final and Giza Pyramids climber hit Corona

3/16/2020, 9:04:27 PM

For the third time, American supermodel Kinsey Volanski, famous for her stormy Champions League final last season between Liverpool and Tottenham, appears, who reappeared in Egypt after climbing the Egyptian pyramid, and this time she appeared on her personal account with a picture with her colleague Rose while they were in the

For the third time, American supermodel Kinsey Volansky, famous for her stormy Champions League final last season between Liverpool and Tottenham, who reappeared in Egypt after climbing the Egyptian pyramid, appears this time at her personal expense with a picture with her colleague Rose in quarantine.

Kinsey had appeared on New Year's Day with a bold new attitude to her when she climbed the Egyptian pyramid and was detained at the Haram police station before she was released.

Rose commented on his Instagram page, 13.5 million people, on the photo: "My partner is in quarantine."

It was that Kinsey Volanski was famous for breaking into the Wanda Metropolitan Stadium in Madrid, during the 2019 Champions League final, between the English teams Liverpool and Tottenham (2-0).