Teller Report

The last 2 patients cured and discharged from Wenzhou, Zhejiang, were cleared

3/16/2020, 1:56:01 PM

(Countering New Coronary Pneumonia) The last 2 patients cured and discharged from Wenzhou, Zhejiang "zero"

China News Network Wenzhou, March 16th (Reporter Pan Qinwen, Trainee reporter Zhou Yuelei) On the 16th, the reporter learned from the press conference on the prevention and control of new coronavirus pneumonia in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province that the last two confirmed cases in Wenzhou were cured and discharged today. The hospitalization of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in the city has been "cleared".

It is reported that the first confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia was reported in Wenzhou City on January 17, and as of February 17, the city has reported a total of 504 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia. Since February 18, Wenzhou has no new confirmed cases for 27 consecutive days.

In terms of patient discharge, the first patient with new coronary pneumonia in Wenzhou was cured and discharged on January 24. Since March 3, counties (cities, districts) have been admitted to hospitals and cleared; today, the last 2 confirmed cases in the city have been recovered from The first doctor affiliated to the Medical University was cured and discharged; 504 close contacts of confirmed cases have also been released from medical observation before March 8.

At present, 97 close contacts of overseas imported cases confirmed in Wenzhou are under medical observation. (Finish)