Teller Report

European control: EU and Schengen borders will be closed from March 17

3/16/2020, 9:31:28 PM

French President Emmanuel Macron announced the closure of the EU and the Schengen area since March 17 due to the spread of coronavirus infection. As the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said earlier, the restrictions will be valid for 30 days and will affect all cases, except for urgent trips. At the same time, drivers carrying medicines and food products, as well as diplomats, family members of citizens and residents of the European Union and scientists working with the spread of the virus, will be allowed to cross the border. Previously, WHO called the European region the center of the coronavirus pandemic.

The EU will close the entry for foreigners amid the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19. This was stated by President Francis Emmanuel Macron. He warned that the new measures will enter into force from noon on March 17 (14:00 Moscow time).

“On Tuesday, at noon, the borders of the EU will be closed for 30 days. Trips between non-European countries and the European Union are suspended for this period, ”TASS quoted him as saying.

As previously noted by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, all trips except urgent ones will be touched.

“I informed today the heads of state of the G-7 that we invited the heads of state and government of the EU to introduce a temporary ban on all trips, except emergency trips, to the EU,” she said.

According to her, the ban on entry will not affect citizens and residents of the EU, members of their families, diplomats and medical work. Scientists and experts working to counteract the coronavirus, as well as those who transport key goods to fight the pandemic, will also have the right to enter the European Union.

Von der Leyen also proposed creating “so-called green lines” at the borders for passing trucks with medicines and perishable goods.

“We must ensure a continuous flow of basic goods in order to guarantee the functioning of our economy,” she said.

Also, French President Emmanuel Macron said that from noon on March 17 a ban on moving around the country would be introduced in France.

“On Tuesday, at noon, the borders of the EU will be closed for 30 days. Travel between non-European countries and the European Union is suspended for this period, ”he said.

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adan Gebreyesus said that all countries should carefully check people for coronavirus.

“We have a very simple message for all countries: check, check, check. Check for any suspicious case of COVID-19. If it turns out to be positive, isolate them and find out who was in contact with them less than two days before the symptoms appeared, and check these people too, ”he said.

At the same time, many countries have already introduced restrictions within the European Union. Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia have already banned entry into the country. Some countries, such as Austria, have stopped issuing entry visas. And Latvia canceled all international shipments.

The United States a few days earlier a month banned the entry of foreigners from Europe. The country recorded more than 4.2 thousand cases of the disease. On March 16, Canada announced the closure of borders.

“We will close the entrance to Canada to everyone who is not her citizen or permanent resident,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Turkey, Flippins, Colombia, Uzbekistan also imposed a ban on entry.

Russia also imposes restrictions on coronavirus. From March 16, restrictions on air communication with the EU countries, Switzerland and Norway began to apply - only regular flights with the capitals of these states were preserved, as well as charters for the export of Russians and the return of foreigners to their countries.

And from March 18, the entry of foreigners will be limited. It will last until May 1. It will not affect diplomatic staff, drivers of international traffic, crews of aircraft, sea and river ships, trains, delegations, as well as those who have died close, transit passengers, and permanently residing in the Russian Federation.

“Mikhail Mishustin (Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. - RT ) informed the Heads of Government that in order to ensure state security, protect public health and prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in accordance with Russian law and the provisions of applicable international treaties of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation made a decision from 00:00 to local time on March 18, 2020 to 00 hours 00 minutes local time on May 1, 2020, temporarily restrict the entry into the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons, ”the message reads bst.

In some cities, for example, in Moscow, additional restrictions have been introduced. The city authorities banned any mass events in the open air, as well as indoors, if the number of participants exceeds 50 people.

“It is forbidden to conduct any leisure activities with the participation of citizens in the field of culture, physical education and sports, exhibition, entertainment and educational activities in the open air with any number of participants, and in buildings, structures, structures (premises in them) with more than 50 participants at a time, ”wrote Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on his blog.

Coronavirus spread

The number of cases of COVID-19 infection worldwide exceeds 170 thousand. More than 6.5 thousand people have died and more than 70 thousand have recovered. In China, where the spread of infection began, the situation stabilized - out of approximately 80.9 thousand patients, almost 84% (over 67 thousand) recovered, another 3.2 thousand died, the rest undergo treatment. Moreover, in the last few days, only a few cases of infection are recorded daily.

The most difficult situation outside the PRC has developed in Europe and the United States. Every day, the number of cases in European countries is growing by several thousand. The pandemic manifested itself most strongly in Italy - there were more than 24.7 thousand cases of infection, of which more than 2.1 thousand died. According to the country's civil defense service, the number of deaths increased by 250 over the past 24 hours alone.

The WHO stated that over the past week the number of cases has risen sharply. According to Tedros Adanom Gebreyesus, the number of infections and deaths from coronavirus outside of China was ahead of the PRC.

“Over the past week, we have seen a rapid increase in cases of COVID-19. At the moment, there are more cases of infections and deaths known in the rest of the world than in China, ”he said.