Teller Report

Coronavirus: "We are in a health war, and doctors must be armed"

3/16/2020, 5:28:22 PM

Guest of the show & quot; Sans Rendez-vous & quot; on Europe 1 Monday, the doctor Jean-Paul Ortiz lashed out at the lack of generalist protection equipment. If the shortage of masks is felt, he believes that glasses and gowns are also needed to limit the spread of the coronavirus as much as possible. & Nbsp;

Guest of the show "Sans Rendez-vous" on Europe 1 Monday, the doctor Jean-Paul Ortiz criticized the lack of generalist protection equipment. If the shortage of masks is felt, he believes that glasses and gowns are also needed to limit the spread of the coronavirus as much as possible.


They are on the front line in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus in France and yet, according to the president of the confederation of French medical unions Jean-Paul Ortiz, general practitioners are under-equipped to deal with the health crisis. Guest of "Sans Rendez-vous" on Monday, he criticizes in particular the lack of masks at their disposal.

A "health war"

"We must equip all the health professionals who will care for the patients. We are in a very serious situation, a health war, and we, the front line soldiers, must be armed", launches at the microphone Europe 1 the specialist. A cruel lack of equipment, the symbol of which are the surgical masks that the doctors received "only very late compared to the hospital environment", deplores the specialist.

>> Coronavirus: follow the evolution of mobilization live

A lack of masks, glasses and gowns

In addition, these "surgical masks are only protective if the caregiver and the patient wear them. [...] Liberal doctors are on the front line, but they do not have all the means to protect themselves", criticizes he. Taking the example of his cabinet, Jean-Paul Ortiz ensures that he has only a few surgical masks, and that he is impatiently awaiting the FFP2 masks promised by the authorities which are due to arrive this week. These offer more effective protection.

>> Find the whole of Sans rendez-vous in replay and podcast here

But if they focus the attention of the greatest number, masks are far from the only equipment that doctors need in contact with suspect patients. "In theory, we would need glasses and gowns," says the specialist, who warns: "Otherwise, the population will suffer even more."