Teller Report

Artist risks prison for vaginal art

3/16/2020, 1:52:39 PM

Russian artist Julia Tsvetkova risks six years in prison for having disseminated artistic depictions of the female genital system, reports Culture News in P1.

On Monday, the house arrest she was held in for the past four months was suspected of spreading pornography, AFP reports. She is now allowed to leave her home but is placed with a travel ban. She can still be sentenced to a prison sentence, but it is unclear when a trial will be released.

The artist and activist herself thinks she wants to get a conversation about taboo and the power around the women's body through the project Vaginamonologer, which is found on the Russian equivalent of Facebook, Vkontakte.

- In principle, it is about strengthening women's power over themselves, about women's freedom and about gaining power over their own sexuality, she tells Kulturnytt.

Julia Tsvetkova has previously been fined under a law that bans what is known as "propaganda for non-traditional sexual relations", a law used against artists and activists working on LGBT issues.