Teller Report

Two deaths from coronavirus in New Aquitaine

3/15/2020, 8:34:56 PM

These 19 new cases bring the number of confirmed cases in New Aquitaine to 152

In a test laboratory for coronavirus. Drawing. - Rainer Droese - Sipa

Two deaths and 19 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in New Aquitaine. This Sunday, the regional health agency (ARS) "deplored" the deaths of two patients who had contracted Covid-19. One of them is a man over 85 years old who was hospitalized at the Bordeaux University Hospital on March 11, following a fall. Suffering from chronic pneumonia, he had been tested with Covid-19 and declared positive on March 14.

The second death was recorded in Vienne. A woman over 85 years old who tested positive for coronavirus and who had been hospitalized at the Poitiers University Hospital since March 14 died on Sunday. She suffered from several chronic diseases, including cardiopulmonary. One hundred and fifty-two Covid-19 cases are now confirmed in New Aquitaine. Among these new cases, ten are awaiting geolocation, stresses the ARS which suggests that 85% of all confirmed cases have returned to their homes in good general health.

Ten confirmed are under investigation

In detail, four cases were identified in Charente, 25 in Charente-Maritime, five in Corrèze, two in Creuse (including a new case), seven in Dordogne, 19 in Gironde, four in the Landes, 41 in the Lot -et-Garonne, 18 in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques (four new confirmed cases), three in Deux-Sèvres, ten in Vienne and two in Haute-Vienne.

Our file on the coronavirus

The ARS adds that ten confirmed cases are under investigation and that three cases have been analyzed in New Aquitaine, but reside outside the region.


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