Teller Report

The weather forecaster spoke about the weather in Moscow next week

3/15/2020, 11:10:32 AM

Roman Vilfand, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, told RT what weather should be expected at the beginning of next week in Moscow.

“At the very beginning of the week, cold weather is expected in Moscow and the region. On Monday night, the temperature is -7 ... -9 ° С in Moscow, in the region - up to -12 ° С. But in the afternoon the temperature will be positive - + 2 ... + 4 ° C. On Tuesday and Wednesday during the day +2 ... + 5 ° С is expected, and at night 0 ... -3 ° С. On Thursday, the daytime temperature will rise - + 7 ... + 8 ° С, 0 ... + 2 ° С is forecasted at night, ”he said.

The weather forecaster noted that, according to preliminary forecasts, another decrease in temperature will occur next weekend.

“Calculations show that night temperatures are -1 ... -6 ° С, and in the daytime it is about 0 ° С. But I would like to immediately warn that it is not worth talking about frosts, because only today and tomorrow will the temperature come closer to its long-term values. That is, those values ​​that are characteristic and peculiar to the European territory of the country. Everything that was before this, it was unusual, since the temperature was above the norm by 10-12 ° C, ”added Wilfand.

Previously, weather forecasters said that in Moscow on March 15 it is expected to -3 ° C.

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