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The warming weather of these "prescriptions" to prevent the new crown has also soared

3/15/2020, 6:49:27 PM

The warming weather of these "prescriptions" to prevent the new crown has also soared

Acyclovir prevents new coronary pneumonia? Can a new crown virus be killed by wearing a sterilization card? Since the outbreak of the epidemic, various "prescriptions" for the prevention of new coronary pneumonia have been introduced. Are these methods really effective?

Can mosquitoes spread new crown virus? Can Probiotics and Acyclovir Prevent New Coronary Pneumonia? The epidemic and rumors fly together, panic and confusion ... During the new crown epidemic, it is time for science to brighten your eyes in the face of rumors from friends and social media.

Can Probiotics Prevent New Coronary Pneumonia?

The truth: "Probiotic preparations" are on sale, with different strains and suspected hot spots

Recently, probiotics that improve intestinal function have been treasured. Probiotics are bacteria that can colonize the human intestinal tract and withstand the killing of gastric acid, and are good for human health, such as Bifidobacterium.

"After food residues enter the intestinal fermentation, probiotics can stimulate intestinal peristalsis. By adjusting the flora in the intestine, the intestinal microecology can be improved, so that our bodies can better absorb nutrients. Under our intestinal mucosa, there are With a large number of immune cells, probiotics stimulate the immune system's ability to resist bacterial invasion by stimulating the intestinal immune cells. If there are more probiotics in the intestine, it is beneficial to prevent intestinal infections. "Nanjing Medical University Public Health College professor and executive director of the Chinese Nutrition Society Wang Zhichen said that at present, there are not many probiotic strains recognized in academia, and many so-called "probiotic preparations" on sale have different strains. It is helpful to promote health, and there are suspicions of hot spots.

Although the development of drugs and vaccines against the new crown virus is in full swing, as of now, there is no vaccine or specific medicine for new crown pneumonia. "There is no research or clinical evidence that probiotics can prevent the new crown virus." Wang Zhizheng said.

The human body's own immunity is really important to prevent virus invasion. Wang Zhizheng said that in order to improve immunity, it is necessary to focus on nutrition, strengthen exercise, ensure sleep, work and rest, and ensure a healthy lifestyle.

Some experts said that during the epidemic, you can strengthen diet and nutrition, eat more foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, eggs and milk; ensure adequate sleep and try not to stay up late ; Strengthen physical exercise, more indoor physical activity. In addition, maintaining a good mental state and a happy mood is also an effective way to improve resistance.

Can acyclovir prevent new coronary pneumonia?

Truth: is an inhibitor of DNA polymerase, not effective against RNA viruses

Viruses use nucleic acids as their core and are formed by particles wrapped by proteins. Viruses are classified into RNA viruses and DNA viruses according to their nucleic acid types. New crown viruses are RNA viruses.

According to Li Zhiyu, a professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, after entering the host cell, the coronavirus directly uses viral genomic RNA as a translation template to express viral RNA polymerase. This enzyme is then used to complete the transcription and synthesis of the negative-strand subgenomic RNA, the synthesis of various structural protein mRNAs, and the replication of viral genomic RNA.

Drugs that interfere with viral nucleic acid replication primarily interfere with nucleic acid synthesis. Li Zhiyu introduced that the RNA polymerase of New Coronavirus is a key enzyme for viral nucleic acid synthesis. Drugs of this mechanism such as Fapilavir and Radixivir are still undergoing phase III clinical trials against the new coronavirus, and everyone is looking forward to it. A good result.

"Acyclovir is converted into the triphosphate form in infected cells, which inhibits the synthesis of viral DNA in infected cells. It is more present in virus-infected cells. Acyclovir is a broad-spectrum antiviral drug. It is mainly used for the treatment of herpes keratitis, genital herpes, systemic shingles and herpes encephalitis. But acyclovir is an inhibitor of DNA polymerase of DNA virus, so it is not effective against RNA virus. "Li Zhiyu said The role of antiviral drugs is mainly achieved by affecting some aspects of the viral replication cycle. The currently used antiviral drugs only inhibit the virus and cannot directly kill the virus. The ideal antiviral drug should only interfere with virus replication without affecting normal cell growth.

However, due to the complex interactions between viral hosts, most antiviral drugs must accurately target the target of viral proteins when they exert their therapeutic effects. They must not only inhibit viral activity, but also try to avoid side effects on the human body. As a result, the development of antiviral drugs has been slower. To date, some viral diseases have no cure and can only be prevented with vaccines.

Can wearing a sterilization card kill new crown virus?

Truth: Chlorine dioxide will soon be lost with the air, its effectiveness remains to be seen

During the new crown pneumonia epidemic, in the e-commerce platform, many companies' sterilization cards advertised “100% antibacterial rate”. However, many consumers are skeptical, "I don't know if it is effective, just buy a psychological consolation." "The recent epidemic has been serious and I can't keep my door behind at home. I plan to take my baby back to Beijing to use it on the road. I don't know if it will work. "

The reporter found that most of the components of this type of sterilization card were composed of chlorine dioxide, gas slow-release agent, and diluent.

"Chlorine dioxide has a strong oxidizing effect, which can rapidly oxidize and destroy the tyrosine in the viral protein capsid, inhibit the specific adsorption of the virus, and prevent its infection on host cells. Chlorine dioxide can also interact with bacteria and other Some amino acids in microbial proteins undergo redox reactions, which decompose and destroy amino acids, and then control the synthesis of microbial proteins, which ultimately leads to bacterial death. "Yin Lifang, a professor at the School of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, said that chlorine dioxide removal has a killing effect on general bacteria. In addition, it has a good killing effect on spores, algae and fungi.

"Routine use of chlorine dioxide gas generally has a relatively high sterilization effect concentration in a short period of time and is irritating to the respiratory tract. Disinfection needs to be performed in an unmanned condition." Yin Lifang said that research results in existing literature show that in 200- At a low concentration of 300ppm, the effect of chlorine dioxide gas on the environment for 2-3 hours has growth inhibition and killing effects on microorganisms in the environment, but only specific bacteria have been studied, and the microorganism inhibition effect is affected by environmental humidity, organic interference, The surface material of objects has a great influence.

Yin Lifang believes that the content of chlorine dioxide generators on the market for sterilization card products ranges from 3 to 15 grams, and most of the manuals promote continuous use for 60 days and wear on the body. "In an open environment, use two Chlorine oxide will soon be lost with the air. The concentration of chlorine dioxide produced is very low, and the effectiveness of sterilization remains to be investigated. In addition, the gas chlorine dioxide is unstable and cannot be stored for a long time. The sterilization card product may be added by chlorine Acid salt, which generates and releases chlorine dioxide gas. If the sterilization card is damaged during use, chlorite leaks, and contact with skin sweat or water stains will cause the release of chlorine gas, which may cause skin burns and even respiratory poisoning. . "