Teller Report

The left in an armchair in Rennes, the PS and the Greens in negotiations

3/15/2020, 11:22:27 PM

Outgoing mayor Nathalie Appéré came out on top on the evening of the first round in Rennes with more than 32% of the vote

The lists of Nathalie Appéré and Matthieu Theurier came first in the first round of the municipal election in Rennes. - C. Allain / 20 Minutes

  • Outgoing mayor Nathalie Appéré won more than 32% of the vote in the first round of the municipal election in Rennes.
  • The list of the socialist will merge with that of the ecologists of Matthieu Theurier, who came second with more than 25% of the votes.
  • The LREM candidate Carole Gandon comes third with 14.50% in front of the candidate from the right and from the center Charles Compagnon who obtains 12.21% of the votes.
  • The first round was marked by 60% abstention against the background of the coronavirus epidemic.

His election seems suspended to the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic. Arriving clearly in the lead on the evening of the first round of a municipal election marked by a 60% abstention, Nathalie Appéré should remain mayor of Rennes, provided that the second round is held this Sunday. Elected in 2014, the socialist obtained 32.77% of the vote, clearly ahead of her environmental ally Matthieu Theurier. With 25.37% of the vote, the Greens gain ten points in six years but fail to seize the socialist bastion. Without boasting, the candidate says he is satisfied. “It's a special context but we are very happy. We achieve a historic score, ”recalls Matthieu Theurier.

By wrapping up a pavement of almost 200 pages as a program, environmentalists had set the tone for the municipal campaign in Rennes, pushing all the candidates or almost to "green" their proposals. “Ecology must be at the heart of the debates. It was and it is already a satisfaction. Discussions will begin tomorrow (Monday), "said the head of the environmental list. This Sunday, he and Nathalie Appéré simply “exchanged a few text messages” to agree on a meeting in teams on Monday and consider merging the lists.

First round of # municipal2020 elections: my reaction. #Rennes

- Nathalie Appéré 2020 (@ Appere_2020) March 15, 2020

Very busy with the progress of the coronavirus epidemic, the mayor said that she would not communicate before the second round and left it to her team to lead the discussions. "I have always carried the rally of the left and my team will do it," promised Nathalie Appéré.

Municipal results in your city

As in 2014, the two lists should therefore set out to agree on a common program. The exercise will be anything but simple. If relations are good between the two camps of the majority, certain points are likely to reveal some disagreements, like the project to build a zenith at the Parc-Expo which seems acted by Nathalie Appéré but whose Greens do not want .

Behind, the fight seems lost in advance. In the hands of the PS since 1977, Rennes has only granted 14.29% of its votes to the candidate of The Republic on the march Carole Gandon. Sunday evening, the latter did not admit defeat but seemed pessimistic about the holding of the second round. “It is an honest and encouraging score for a first local election. The PS lost significantly points compared to 2014. The Rennais wanted renewal, ”said Carole Gandon. Will she manage to find an agreement with Charles Compagnon? Both sides seem to doubt it. The candidate from the right and from the center obtained 12.21% of the vote and is able to join the municipal council, but does not seem very inclined to negotiate with La République en Marche.

The National Rally takes a slap

Note also the very low score of the National Rally. While he aspired to make 10% to enter the municipal council, Emeric Salmon painfully exceeded 4% Sunday. The RN candidate will therefore not be able to claim reimbursement of his campaign costs as provided by law for lists having won more than 5% of the vote. The list of rebellious France led by Enora Le Pape won 7.54% of the vote. That's all he missed in the Greens to overtake Nathalie Appéré. The alliance game had not worked on the left. He can start.


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Municipal elections in Rennes: Arriving at the top, Nathalie Appéré will not speak

  • Municipal
  • Elections
  • Carole Gandon
  • EELV
  • Vote
  • Reindeer
  • Nathalie Appéré