Teller Report

Talk about "home exercise"? Nearly 50% of college students get fat during their homes

3/15/2020, 9:31:27 PM

Nearly 50% of college students became fat during their homes, and 90% of them did less exercise than usual--
Is "home exercise" just talking?

Even if he could not go out due to the epidemic situation, Wu Yan spent at least three hours a day on exercise. In addition to her daily dance practice, she also learned aerobic and anaerobic exercises to complete shaping and stretching. If she doesn't do any exercise for a day, she won't sleep well.

Li Yihua, who is very different from Wu Yan, completely lost the motivation to exercise after returning home from vacation. "Lazy to move" she did not make a sports plan, "exercise is too tired to move." In a friend ’s WeChat step ranking, Li Yihua ’s portrait often “wanders” at the bottom of the list. She frankly said, “The last time you entered the top 10, it should be at school.”

However, Liang Qi, who had lost 6 pounds due to a long period of "Ge You's palsy", chose to "jump on the cliff" in time. In order to return to her original weight, she developed a one-month exercise plan for herself, accompanied by a fat-reducing recipe, which was strictly implemented daily. To her, exercise is more like a "remedy", a "rescue" that she moves in every time "against the guilt caused by weight gain".

Recently, CY Youth Media launched a survey on the “home movement” for 915 college students across the country. It was found that 15.39% of the respondents would strictly implement the exercise plan while at home, 39.96% chose to complete the exercise goals set intermittently, and 44.65% rarely exercise at home.

Pursuing self-discipline, 90% of college students have "exercise expectations"

During the "home", Li Yihua of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics occasionally thought of a slogan on the school playground, "exercise 10 minutes a day, live a happy 50 years". According to the survey results of the school youth media, 89.96% of the college students surveyed considered it necessary to exercise at home, and hoped to achieve fat reduction (63.72%), shaping (69.95%) and relief of physical discomfort (44.59%) through exercise.

The pony studying at Hebei Engineering University planned his vacation long before the holiday: he got up at 7 o'clock and finished a half-hour morning run before studying. However, due to the epidemic, the village where the pony was located was closed, and she was also required to be isolated at home. The original campaign plan became "Mirror Flower Water Moon." However, the pony who was unwilling to "Flag just fall like this" did not give up exercise, and got the idea of ​​indoor sports.

By chance, she posted a teaching video of "Beautiful Ballet" on the website. At noon every day, following the instructor's waving arms in the video to complete 15 to 30 minutes of shaping exercises, Pony became another "compulsory online course" in addition to the professional course. She is very satisfied with the current state of exercise: "According to the difficulty of the movement, the exercise time will be different, and I will sweat just after each exercise, and the intensity is just right for me."

Yang Xiao, who was also looking forward to "exercising well during the holidays," was stranded by his plan to learn jazz and started to use the sports app "House Sports". From North University of China, she intends to use the gap period after the end of the initial postgraduate entrance examination to "live a little more self-discipline" and complete a fat reduction plan. After the epidemic, she will attend her sister's wedding as a bridesmaid. Yang Xiao plans to take more than half an hour a day to complete a systematic exercise, and insist on at least 4 days a week.

For Shi Li of Zhejiang Ocean University, fitness is like eating and sleeping. He has been exercising since junior high school. He went to study last summer and obtained professional certificates such as AFIA International Personal Trainer, and began to exercise systematically. During the epidemic, in addition to training indoors, Shi Li found new fun in the groves where no one went. Several sloping trunks became his equipment for doing upside-down sit-ups, and straight trees were his aid for practicing handstands. For him, exercising in the woods is like running a gang, climbing a hill, or going to a water bay when he was a child. It is a way of playing.

The survey shows that 14.54% of the college students interviewed tried various types of exercise during their "home" period. Among those interviewed who chose to exercise at home, 18.91% tended to shape exercises, 10.93% preferred fat-reducing training, and 13.5% enjoyed playing Badminton, basketball and other sports.

Before it ends? Nearly 50% of college students get fat without exercise

Like most of his classmates, Wang Hua of Northeast University's 2018 Electronic Information Engineering major also knows the importance of sports. He wanted to build muscle during the holidays, he set a lot of "small goals." "But unfortunately, my plan is always richer and more exciting than action."

According to the survey of CYTS, 46.18% of college students gained weight during their homes, 34.82% did not change much, and 19.00% lost weight.

Most of the holidays have passed, but Wang Hua, who unconsciously opened the "lazy mode" as soon as he got home, not only failed to achieve his goal of gaining muscles, but "tearing the abdominal muscles" was far away. The gap between ideal and reality often makes Wang Hua in front of the mirror fall into blame for his poor self-control.

Lack of exercise has become the norm for some classmates. After the school started online, the electives for rugby became the only opportunity for Li Yihua to play sports once a week. The PE teacher will send learning videos and teaching presentations to the learning group, asking each classmate to choose a sport, practice and shoot videos to turn in homework. However, the lack of exercise for a long time made Li Yihua struggling every time in class. The tablet support of less than one minute would make her heart rate faster and her breathing harder.

"It was too tiring for a day of class, and I didn't sleep well yesterday, or I wouldn't exercise today." For Liang Qi, insisting on exercise requires multiple reasons, but it only takes one thought to convince yourself to rest. She would soon slump in bed after giving up exercise, eating snacks and fruits while putting energy on her mobile phone. "Want to exercise, but too lazy to move" has become the normal state of Liang Qi's "ideological movement."

The short-term happiness brought by laziness is unsustainable. The state of "three days of fishing and two days of drying the net" has been long. The original one-month fitness plan has been delayed to two months. Every night, the guilt brought by laziness Will come to your door.

Not only that, the lack of companionship and mutual encouragement also made the small issue of persistence a big problem. In Pony's eyes, the "home exercise" is really a desperate move. Compared with outdoor sports, exercise at home cannot breathe fresh air, and the effect of exercise is also affected because the completion of the action is not high. "Sometimes I feel that exercise has no effect, so I am particularly dissatisfied and I do not want to do it anymore."

The CY youth school media survey showed that 89.18% of the respondents had less exercise at home than at school. College students believe that the factors hindering exercise at home include insufficient self-control (61.09%), too inertia (67.43%), in addition, restrictions on sports fields and equipment (50.93%), too much outside temptation (67.76%), lack of relatively professional Guidance (16.50%) and lack of exercise partners (40.00%) are also reasons that affect exercise performance.

Shao Yewen also knows the difficulty of “exercising at home”. "Slimming exercises have a lot of kicking movements, which are more demanding on the venue. I have broken two vases at home." Shi Li, who has extensive fitness experience, also said that exercising at home is not like exercising in the gym to grasp the amount of exercise. Unstable heart rate and lack of protection for exercise effects.

Overcoming internal and external factors to break through the "movement bottleneck"

In order to overcome his inertia, Yang Xiao and a few students who wanted to exercise built a "Punch Group", everyone supervised each other, "Punch" in the group to share the results of exercise, and share the courses that feel good. “After the exercise app, it will show how many cards are consumed by exercise, which is equivalent to a few chicken legs or a few pieces of sugar, etc. It is quite interesting to share in this form.” Yang Xiao admitted that he gradually began to enjoy the satisfaction brought by exercise, Just like Murakami's words "little luck" in the essay, these joys and happiness, though subtle, really make Yang Xiao's life a little bit brighter.

The ponies also chose to use the results of other people's exercise as motivation to spur themselves. "I have people who exercise every day around me. Every time I see them in a circle of friends, I admire them. I also get infected and have fighting spirit. I don't want to be salted fish." Xiaoma said, "Every time I want to be lazy Just look at the meat on your stomach and look at the little skirts you want to wear in summer. "

In addition to following the video to practice movements, the pony will also consciously take a cell phone to walk around the room when he goes online for lessons, increasing the amount of exercise. In school, she rarely exercises deliberately. Because the school is large and the school bus has few seats, she often chooses to walk to class. Each time, she has to walk for more than 20 minutes. In one day, she can walk more than 20,000 steps. After the house, the range of activities narrowed, and the gap between the ideal value and the actual value of the weight increased. She could only maintain weight through exercise.

Li Nan, who has been a fitness coach in a gym in Nanchang for two years, recommends that you cultivate a light exercise habit for yourself during your home, exercise 15 to 45 minutes a day, without spending too much time, and good for your health. The indoor field is limited. You can complete aerobic training through a 30-second open-and-close jump. You can achieve resistance training with a 30-second curl. Squats, flat supports, and high leg lifts are also effective ways to burn fat. "The other thing is that it's best to buy a yoga mat and don't use the bed as a place to exercise." Li Nan reminded.

“If you do n’t practice for 1 week, then the efforts of 1 week before will be wasted.” In order to better persist, Shi Li will choose to exercise at a fixed time to allow blood sugar levels, excitement, energy, etc. Optimal physical conditions and habits to reduce resistance to exercise. When you are in a bad mood, exercise is often Shi Li's choice, using sweating to divert your attention. "For me, exercising is like watching a movie. It is a hobby and an entertainment." For Shi Li, fitness is an investment that will not lose money. He has worked hard and sweat, and he has gained more than good. Appearance, there are many surprises.

The survey showed that 58.69% of the respondents indicated that they would continue to formulate exercise plans before the start of school, and 48.09% of college students were confident to strictly implement the exercise arrangements formulated.

The happiness of Yang Xiao's "home fitness" is not limited to "little luck". When encountering less exercise classes, she will also call on her parents to exercise together. "They are always lazy." Yang Xiao said with a smile, but in her eyes, the time spent exercising with her parents made the home a lot of joy. Yang Xiao's family is like most families. Family interactions are often sitting together watching TV and playing mobile phones. Rarely are interactions such as chatting and exercising together. However, after exercising with his parents, Yang Xiao felt that his relationship with his parents was closer, and the communication with his parents was as easy as a friend's snoring.

Liang Qi also said that she would strictly implement her own "shaping plan" in the future. "The epidemic is about to end, so I have to hurry up and lose weight so that I can meet the people I want to see beautifully."

China Youth Daily · Trainee reporter Luo Xi of North China University Wang Yubing of North China University Meiyu Xiao of Jiangxi Normal University Source: China Youth Daily