Teller Report

Smart work

3/15/2020, 10:07:38 PM

In a previous article entitled "Do universities disappear" I mentioned the great shift in the concept of universities in its traditional way, and that in the future there will be no need for students to go to the lecture hall and receive knowledge directly from the professor’s mouth, but it seems that the Corona virus has accelerated this shift,

In a previous article entitled "Do universities disappear" I mentioned the great shift in the concept of universities in its traditional way, and that in the future there will be no need for students to go to the lecture hall and receive knowledge directly from the professor’s mouth, but it seems that the Corona virus has accelerated this shift, As the transition to distance education has already started in many countries, all meetings and events have been canceled for fear of the spread of the virus, and a large sector of workers began working remotely and applying smart work methods, of course not all tasks can be performed from home, such as a large segment of business Like working in hospitals and the founder Military and police services.

One aspect of smart business is partnering with other facilities to take advantage of available resources.

I think that there are many advantages to working remotely or from home, if this approach is treated as an opportunity to rebalance family life, where the individual can perform his job tasks and at the same time spend more time with his loved ones, and this trend has begun to grow recently What called for the British Standards Authority to issue a specification specifically for smart and flexible work with the number PAS 3000, which has been in operation since 2015, where there are approximately five million people working remotely, which is approximately 35% of the workforce, and 75% of those who work with flexible time or Partial prefer to continue to work with the system itself. In addition to the advantages achieved by the individual's smart work style, it achieves a lot for the facility as it saves a lot of expenses, for example in 2015 the Ministry of Justice in Britain undertook several initiatives to adopt the smart work style, which led to reducing the number of its headquarters in London alone from 18 headquarters To two headquarters only, and to provide operating expenses amounting to seven million pounds sterling, and for workers who must be present to work, the ministry provided headquarters outside the crowded capital called Commuter Hubs, which are foundations for the traveling workers, especially that some workers may not be suitable for them from work at home and at the same time lost The bulk T of their time traveling to the workplace, the work smart is not intended only to work from home.

One of the aspects of smart work is sharing with other establishments to take advantage of available resources, such as offices, equipment, transportation and the workers themselves through the expansion of the partial assignment system and job sharing, that is, more than one employee occupies the same job and they share the salary in terms of the number of working hours for each of them. In order to achieve the desired value of this trend, there is a need for amendments in labor laws and regulations to accommodate these developments.

Alaa_Garad @

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