Teller Report

Outgoing socialist mayor François Cuillandre takes the lead in Brest

3/15/2020, 8:53:01 PM

Despite his indictment, François Cuillandre leads the first round in Brest with 26.54% of the vote

François Cuillandre has been mayor of Brest since 2001. - Damien Meyer / AFP

A much less clear victory but a victory nonetheless. Despite his legal troubles, the socialist mayor François Cuillandre came out on top in the first round of the municipal elections in Brest with 26.54% of the vote. In 2014, he had flown the first round, collecting 42.46% of the votes.

The reaction of François Cuillandre, who came out on top with 26.54% of the votes in #Brest # Municipales2020

- Côté Brest (@CoteBrest) March 15, 2020

Like six years ago, his main opponent Bernadette Malgorn came second in the first round. The candidate of the right and former prefect of the Brittany region won 18.87% of the vote.

Our dossier on municipal 2020

Pending negotiations for the second round, the ecologist Ronan Pichon also held on with 15.74% of the vote, as did the candidate for the Republic on the march Marc Coatanéa, who ranked fourth with 12.60% of the vote.


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  • PS
  • Brest
  • Elections
  • François Cuillandre
  • Municipal