Teller Report

Israel: President entrusts the formation of the new government to Benny Gantz

3/15/2020, 6:13:21 PM

The Israeli president said on Sunday that he had decided to entrust the leader of the opposition, Benny Gantz, with the task of forming a new government following an inexpensive national election…

The office of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin announced its decision late Sunday, March 15, after consulting with leaders of all parties elected to parliament. Benny Gantz, the main rival of outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, will be in charge of forming a government on Monday after having received the support of a majority of deputies, the presidency announced on Sunday.

"Tomorrow (Monday), around noon (10 am GMT), the president (Reuven Rivlin) will entrust the leader of the 'Bleu-Blanc' party Benny Gantz with the task of forming a government," the presidency said in a statement after Reuven Rivlin's consultations with representatives of the parties elected to the legislative elections on March 2.

With AFP and AP

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