Teller Report

Epidemiologist: We are two to four weeks after Italy

3/15/2020, 9:34:21 PM

Within a few weeks, Sweden may end up in a situation similar to that of Italy - and by the middle of April, the intensive care units may start to run out. This is according to Joacim Rocklöv, professor of epidemiology at Umeå University, in SVT's Agenda.

In tonight's Agenda, the epidemiologists Joacim Rocklöv and Anders Tegnell, and Region Stockholm chief physician Elda Sparrelid, participated in a debate about the spread of the corona virus in Sweden. According to Rocklöv, Sweden may end up in a situation similar to Italy.

- Absolutely, it is not impossible that we end up there. We are two to four weeks after Italy. If you make model estimates, we will probably be at a level where intensive care sites in the Stockholm region will end in mid-April, and later for other regions, says Rocklöv.

- On the curve we are now in, we will see a peak in intensive care units at the end of May, when 500 to 1,000 patients would need intensive care.

"Don't have a clue"

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell says there is a lot of knowledge about the disease and which are affected the worst, but very little about the dynamics of the spread.

"We've really only seen large-scale distribution in two countries - Italy and China," he says.

- Of the cases we have in Sweden, a very large proportion of imported cases, and not part of a Swedish infection spread. I absolutely think that in healthcare you should work to get as much resources as possible, but you do not have to say that it will be like in Italy. We don't have a clue, we have too little data to go on.

See an excerpt from the debate in the clip above.