Teller Report

Confinement against the coronavirus: "We must make an effort collectively"

3/15/2020, 10:10:38 AM

In the Grand Rendez-vous, on Europe 1, the professor of medicine Alexandre Mignon, specialist in resuscitation at the Cochin hospital recalls the importance of following the confinement measures well and calls for a collective effort. & Nbsp;

In the Grand rendez-vous, on Europe 1, the professor of medicine Alexandre Mignon, specialist in resuscitation at the Cochin hospital recalls the importance of following the confinement measures well and calls for a collective effort.

Faced with the coronavirus, containment as unpleasant as it is is the best way to limit the spread of the virus. This is explained by professor of medicine Alexandre Mignon, specialist in resuscitation at Cochin hospital. According to him, "when you don't know what the inoculum is, the viral load of the people in front of you, the containment measures seem perfectly adapted, temporarily, obviously. But that's what people should understand, confinement is not pleasant, but you have to limit activities as much as possible to what cannot not be done, "he underlines in Le Grand rendez-vous , on Europe 1.

>> Find the entire Grand Rendez-vous in replay and podcast here

Wearing the "extremely useful" mask

The professor recognizes the constraints imposed by this confinement, "it's not the French way of life, we what we like is social life, meeting people", but considers that it is necessary. "We are in a situation where we have to make an effort collectively." In his opinion the example to follow is "the Chinese, like the South Koreans, like Singapore who now use the masks in a current way, who protect themselves and who have succeeded, in particular for the last two to limit the peak", which allows "a less important influx of patients, in particular the serious forms, which can destabilize the health system.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the situation on Sunday

"Wearing a mask could be extremely useful in strengthening containment measures, what is certain is that when you are affected it is obvious, and when you are caring for it even more," added Alexandre Mignon.