Teller Report

An exemplary decision of Royal dignity

3/15/2020, 9:43:44 PM

The difficult but inevitable decision made by Don Felipe VI late yesterday afternoon -in one of the most dramatic situations that Spanish democracy is going through

The difficult but inevitable decision made by Don Felipe VI late yesterday afternoon -in one of the most dramatic situations that Spanish democracy is going through because of the health crisis that has forced the Government to decree the state of alarm- is a new example of the stature of a Monarch who, in his few years of reign, has demonstrated his firm commitment to the exemplary nature that should characterize the first institution of the State . And that the promise made in his proclamation speech before the Cortes Generales on June 19, 2014 to "preserve" the "prestige" of the Monarchy and "observe an honest, honest and transparent conduct" in the development of its constitutional functions not it is empty rhetoric but an endeavor for which he is willing to make sacrifices of intimate family consequences.

She already demonstrated it when in reaction to the Nóos case , in which the Infanta Cristina appeared as accused by the business of her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin , she had to limit the Royal Family to her figure, that of Queen Letizia , her daughters, Leonor and Sofía , and her parents, King Juan Carlos I and Doña Sofía . That decision involved an enormous personal effort taken to protect the Crown from the wear and tear that would entail linking it to serious corruption charges.

Now, given the information that has appeared in different national and international media and the investigation opened by the Swiss Prosecutor's Office on alleged irregular activities of his father, which link him to the collection of 100 million euros from Saudi Arabia when he was still Head of State, Felipe VI has had to respond with the same firmness - and surely with the same personal tear - breaking ties with King Emeritus and denying any relationship with the events . The publication of new data in the British The Telegraph , according to which Felipe VI appeared as the second beneficiary of those payments through an offshore foundation, has precipitated a decision that would be maturing since April 12, 2019, Felipe VI went to a notary public to state that he was unaware of the money that his father could have in tax havens and that if his name or that of his daughter were listed as beneficiaries, it would have been Don Juan Carlos who acted "without his consent or knowledge" and stated " not accept any participation or benefit in said assets and waive any right, expectation or interest that may correspond to them in the future ".

Yesterday, in a statement from the Royal House , Felipe VI made this decision public by declaring that "King Don Juan Carlos is aware of his decision to renounce the inheritance of Don Juan Carlos that may personally correspond to him, as well as any assets , investment or financial structure whose origin, characteristics or purpose may not be in accordance with the legality or with the criteria of rectitude and integrity that govern its institutional and private activity and that must inform the activity of the Crown ". In addition, and to explain his break with the figure of the King Emeritus, it was reported that "HM the King Don Juan Carlos no longer perceives the allocation that he has set in the Budgets of the House of HM the King" and that in recent years he was around the 195.00 euros . It is, without a doubt, a brave decision for which there is no historical background.

With it, Felipe VI fulfills his commitment to regenerate the institutions of the State , of which an important part of the political class should take note. His honesty, exemplary and dignity are the complement of the unequivocal responsibility assumed in the defense of the unity of the nation and the constitutional principles, as he demonstrated with his brave speech of October 3, 2017, after the independence coup in Catalonia. In these complicated moments that the country is going through, citizens can be certain of having an exemplary, honest and responsible King .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Philip VI
  • Iñaki Urdangarin
  • Queen Letizia
  • Catalonia
  • Real home
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Editorial
  • Opinion

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