Teller Report

Ali Singel: The media is buzzing with false medical information

3/15/2020, 10:08:07 PM

"Our constant goal remains to upgrade the concept of quality of human life in the Emirates, and to promote the health of members of society by providing necessary health and medical advice and information in a simplified scientific manner." .. With these phrases, Dr. Ali Sanjal started his dialogue with "Emirates Today", which coincides with

"Our constant goal remains to elevate the concept of quality of human life in the Emirates, and to enhance the health of members of society by providing necessary health and medical advice and information in a simplified scientific way." .. With these phrases, Dr. Ali Sanjal started his dialogue with "Emirates Today", which coincides with his experience presenting the program The new awareness "Your Health is a Trust", which is broadcast daily on Dubai TV.

The Emirati doctor emphasized that the new program is aimed at all members of society in a simple language that is able to communicate the information to large segments of the public, and accurately precludes the misinformation and rumors that social media roams today. He said that «one of the problems that most scientific programs can fall on is the dilemma of specialized terminology for doctors. On the other hand, the viewer always searches for satisfactory answers in a language close to his awareness, and in a simplified manner that adopts the principle of reassurance, away from the language of intimidation and intimidation.

He added: “If we talked about the developed countries in which individuals possess a high level of health awareness, then we do not find that the issue of providing new information may cause any unjustified panic or fear, such as what happens in societies that did not pass the experience of epidemic prevention, for example, and lacks The issue of health awareness in this framework, and this is what we find clearly embodied also in the way of dealing with the means of communication today, as information is sent and exchanged out of fear and lack of knowledge, without making sure of its scientific or health credibility.

And Dr. Singel continued: “To admit first that the Arab world is behind in the issue of focusing on the quality of life, and since the developed countries adopt the term (active elderly), we must talk about the state of (active growth) for members of society associated with raising awareness and the correct practice of a set of physical and psychological activities In addition to enhancing the role of the family and society in the Emirates, to be an example to be followed in the framework of the efforts exerted by various government agencies on the health level, to reach an active, healthy and disease-free society.

Reliable platform

The Emirati doctor pointed out that the primary goal of "Your Health is Honesty" is to contribute to enhancing the health of individuals, correcting many misconceptions of health, and addressing rumors, in order to maintain the health security of society "and we live in the era of open media, we must at Dubai TV, and we A reliable media platform, that we provide health advice and information from our media and professional secretariat, and in line with the precautionary measures taken by the UAE and all countries of the world in the framework of protecting society from epidemics and diseases ».

And on the steps for preparing the daily program, Dr. Ali Singel stopped at the news center team, which intends to communicate directly with the specialists and those involved in the "Your Health Amana" episodes, according to established professional standards, which are based on and approved throughout the week "as they were presented in the first episodes of the program Daily follow-up of the emerging corona virus around the world, the latest correct medical information, methods of preventing infection and dealing with infected cases, so that in the following episodes, we touch upon side health issues related to the topic, but indirectly, such as the issue of cold and cold, and follow the instructions for penetration B on these cases, and then a special episode on ways to strengthen our immune system ».


"Our primary goal remains reassurance to the community," Dr. Sinjal stressed. "The guest medical team participating in the episodes is no doubt an essential part of the program's success and its follow-up by large segments of the public. This is what we have clearly seen through the general interaction, the positive impact of the program, and the calls that We have arrived so far. ”

The Emirati doctor’s ability to manage the dialogue in a daily awareness program is based on his previous experience in presenting this type of program, which the public still remembers in his previous weekly appearance on the “Vitamin” program on Dubai TV as well, which was considered by Singel a positive and contributing to refining his experience. Today's television, adding that “a person naturally learns and rises, and there is no doubt that (Vitamin) has contributed greatly to the consolidation and success of my experience in this field, after more than 300 continuous episodes that were considered the media legacy that I cherish.”

An invitation to be patient

Dr. Ali Singel sent a message to the public in this special circumstance, considering that the homeland is everyone's responsibility, and that accuracy of information and reliance on reliable sources is a binding necessity for all, pointing out that the program “Your Health is a Trust” depends on broadcasting the healing medical information and upgrading knowledge to all. , And calling for all precautions recommended by trusted authorities in the country to be followed. He added, “I invite everyone to wait, follow the instructions that come from our government, and abide by the existing instructions and instructions, especially in light of the availability of digital means and methods of communication, provided by the Emirates for the benefit of society first and foremost.”

We seek to correct misconceptions and address rumors in order to maintain the health security of society.

The viewer always searches for answers in a language close to being perceived in a simple manner.

"(Vitamin) contributed greatly to the stabilization and success of my experience, as it was the media legacy that I cherish."