Teller Report

Stefan Löfven (S) on the corona virus: "Government ready"

3/14/2020, 8:34:20 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs now advises against unnecessary travel to all countries. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) comments on the decision and says that Sweden will go through the crisis together.

During Saturday night, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs went out with a recommendation. All unnecessary trips to all countries should be avoided. On Instagram, Stefan Löfven writes:

“The corona virus is spread in Sweden and around the world, and the WHO classifies the virus as a global pandemic. The government and the entire Swedish society are ready in this very serious situation.

Due to the widespread spread of the corona virus, and the uncertain and rapidly changing situation prevailing in the world, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry) now recommends all unnecessary trips to all the countries of the world. This is the first time this has happened. In countries or areas where the Foreign Ministry has previously advised against travel, these decisions apply ”.

He believes that everyone has a responsibility and writes:

“We all have a responsibility in the difficult situation we are in. Follow the advice of the authorities. Wash your hands. Stay home from work or school if you feel symptoms. Do not visit elderly relatives unnecessarily and do not visit hospitals or elderly homes that can be avoided. We have a difficult time ahead of us - but we go through it together ”.

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde (S) writes on Facebook:

“I understand the frustration many feel about the uncertainty and set travel plans. Or the Swedes who are abroad and are worried about the situation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working hard to provide support ”.