Teller Report

Serie A again! Sampdoria announces diagnosis of four players

3/14/2020, 1:52:26 AM

China News Network, March 14th. In the early morning of Beijing time on the 14th, the Serie A club Sampdoria announced that four players in the team were diagnosed with the new crown virus, namely Collet, Ekdal, Lagoumena and Tosby.

After Juventus' Lugani, Samp's Gabiadini became the second Serie A player to be diagnosed with the new crown virus. Just one day later, Sampdoria had four more players selected.

Sampdoria said in the announcement on the club's official website, "Given the close connection between the players, this is regrettable news, but also expected. We reiterate that the club has taken all necessary measures. During this period, everyone will face the status quo with unity and courage with a rigorous attitude. "

At 18:00 local time on March 13th, there were 14,955 neo-coronary pneumonia cases in Italy, of which 1,328 were critically ill; 1439 people were cured. To date, a total of 17,660 cases of new coronary pneumonia have been confirmed in Italy. (Finish)