Teller Report

Pablo Casado supports the measures against the coronavirus but says they are late

3/14/2020, 10:55:26 PM

The three opposition parties - the PP, Vox and Ciudadanos, supported this Saturday the measures approved by the Council of Ministers and announced by Pedro Sánchez to contain the e

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The three opposition parties - the PP, Vox and Ciudadanos, supported this Saturday the measures approved by the Council of Ministers and announced by Pedro Sánchez to contain the expansion of the coronavirus .

The PP and Cs criticized that what was announced is late and also demanded an economic shock plan to alleviate the social and economic crisis that may come after the country's breakdown decreed by the state of alarm. The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, for his part, offered the votes of his party to approve the state of alarm, especially in the face of criticism from the presidents of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Quim Torra, and the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu.

Pablo Casado appeared on the night of this Saturday, after the Prime Minister, and regretted that "we have lost too much time due to the hesitation and continuous inaccuracies" of the Executive.

Still, Casado assured that the main opposition party supports the measures included in the alarm decree. But he also criticized that the bulk of the economic measures have not been approved and that the Government is now going to wait until Tuesday, March 17, so that "the health drama does not become a social drama later" due to the numerous losses of jobs and income of tens of thousands of small entrepreneurs and freelancers.

In this sense, he also called for the launch of a national health fund to meet the needs of all the autonomous communities to care for patients with coronavirus, as well as a bank liquidity fund such as the one launched in Germany.

Married also spoke in favor of postponing the Basque and Galician elections, a measure that he understands will be "essential". And he criticized that Pablo Iglesias went to the Council of Ministers and did not follow the recommendations made by the health authority to quarantine.

García Egea: "They are incapable"

The PP's general secretary, Teodoro García Egea, was tougher before Casado, who raised his tone on Saturday against the coalition government for its management of the coronavirus crisis, blaming him for the fact that a state of alarm had been announced 24 hours earlier. to apply it and that it is "delaying its publication because of the anger" between Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias.

"The coalition government was not designed to govern: incapable of a very serious crisis," said García Egea in a message on his official Twitter account .

For his part, Santiago Abascal, who is in quarantine because he tested positive for coronavirus, announced that Vox is now ready to support Pedro Sánchez in order to decree the state of alarm in order to escape, according to what he said, from "miserable communist and separatist blackmail" after Quim Torra criticized the centralization of competitions.

This was stated by the Vox leader in a message on his Twitter profile, which indicates that the Prime Minister can count on Vox's votes to decree the state of alarm, unify the management of the crisis and put all services of the State to combat the pandemic and its economic and social effects.

Abascal supported the measures announced by Sánchez: "national unity, a state of alarm, centralization of all the administration's resources to fight the crisis."

The president of Ciudadanos, Inés Arrimadas, for her part, called for "firmness and political unity" and also announced that she supports the announced measures, although she also criticized that they are late.

The liberal leader added that "forceful" measures must now be approved to alleviate the economic impact of the crisis. And he again reached out to the Government to approve an urgent national plan that protects families, freelancers and companies.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • PP
  • Pablo Casado
  • Vox
  • Santiago Abascal Conde
  • Inés Arrimadas
  • Citizens

PolíticaPP, Vox and Ciudadanos support the state of alarm for the coronavirus but criticize that it has not been done before

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