Teller Report

Google is developing a website to help determine the corona scan

3/14/2020, 10:49:55 AM

US President Donald Trump announced that the giant Google group is developing a website that allows every American to know whether he needs to undergo the examination of the new Corona virus, according to the symptoms he has registered, and to find the closest place to do so.

US President Donald Trump has announced that the giant Google group is developing a website that will allow every American to know whether he needs to undergo an examination of the emerging corona virus based on his symptoms, and to find the closest place to do that.
"Google is helping to develop a website to determine if there is a need to conduct an examination and to facilitate this in an accessible location in the vicinity," the US president said during a press conference from the White House lawn.
According to Trump, this website will cover 1,700 engineers, the United States and a "large part of the world."
"Our first goal is to stop the spread of the virus and to help all infected Americans," said the US president, who faced accusations of downplaying the global health crisis in a first stage.
"We are developing a tool to help screen the people who need to undergo screening for HIV-19 infection," Google confirmed in a Tweet on Twitter.
Ferrelli, the health unit of Google's Alphabet group, Alphabet, is tasked with accomplishing this task.
And "Google" explained that "Ferrelli has started the early stages of developing (the site) and is planning to start his experiment in the San Francisco area, hoping to expand its scope later."
And US Vice President Mike Pence announced that the date of the start of work on this site will be set on Sunday evening.
"You will be able to browse this site and enter the symptoms that you feel, and you will get information on whether you need to undergo an examination or not," he said, before guiding to the closest point available for these checks.
Pence pointed out that companies will allow the use of car parks in them so that people can conduct checks from inside their cars.