Teller Report

F1 delays two more grand prix races

3/14/2020, 3:10:26 AM

China News Network, March 14th. In the evening of the 13th, Beijing time, the F1 (World Formula One Championship) officially announced that due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, it was originally scheduled to be held on March 20-22 and April 3-5. The Bahrain Grand Prix and Vietnam Grand Prix will be postponed.

As a member of the McLaren team tested positive for the new coronavirus, not only did the team decide to withdraw from the Australian Grand Prix, but F1 and FIA (International Automobile Federation) also made a decision to cancel the Australian Grand Prix.

After the cancellation of the Australian Grand Prix, F1, FIA and the teams held continuous discussions. The parties unanimously decided to postpone the Bahrain Grand Prix and the Vietnam Grand Prix originally scheduled to be held on March 20-22 and April 3-5.

"The spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is huge. We want to rebuild the F1 season, but we must realistically consider when we can start again." F1 sports director Ross Brown said.

F1 and FIA are expected to start this season in Europe at the end of May, but given the recent sharp increase in European cases, it will ultimately depend on the situation. (Finish)