Teller Report

Coronavirus: thousands of French people stranded in Morocco by border closures

3/14/2020, 8:58:26 PM

Thousands of French people are stranded in Morocco after the country's decision to close its borders. President Macron has announced that new flights will be implemented, but the French on the ground are worried and cannot find a contact person to answer their questions.

Thousands of French people are stranded in Morocco after the country's decision to close its borders. President Macron has announced that new flights will be implemented, but the French on the ground are worried and cannot find a contact person to answer their questions.

Hundreds of French people have visited airports in Agadir, Marrakech or Casablanca since Friday evening. Morocco closed its borders to fight against the epidemic of coronavirus: consequence several thousands of French people are stranded on the spot. The stampede in front of the counters of the companies multiplies and the French embassy in Morocco which received more than 5000 since last night. Those who manage to reach her do not get a satisfactory answer, as Sofiane, a French national stranded in Rabat, tells Europe 1: "What is really scandalous is that the embassy asks us to manage by own means and to find other flights to return to France, but there is no flight available ".

New flights announced by France

"It seems to be moving with the tweet of Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Yves Le Drian upstream. We hope it moves but we really feel like we are on our own," says Sofiane. Jean-Yves le Drian has indeed made known this afternoon that he was discussing with his Moroccan counterpart to allow the repatriation of French nationals. In a tweet, Emmanuel Macron confirmed that additional flights will be set up to allow them to return to France.

To our compatriots stranded in Morocco: new flights are being organized to allow you to return to France. I ask the Moroccan authorities to ensure that everything necessary is done as soon as possible.

- Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) March 14, 2020

On social networks, the two men are arrested by French stranded in Morocco who denounce, beyond the absence of theft, the exorbitant price of those who are maintained. As the message of this surfer below the tweet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Allow me, Minister, to inform you that we are not helped at all here in Marrakech. The embassy tells us to get by and there are no flights below 3000 euros. Do you find that normal ??

- Mad (@ Madina_59) March 14, 2020

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