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21 standards for "remote" work for Ras Al Khaimah government employees

3/14/2020, 10:12:27 PM

The Human Resources Department in the Government of Ras Al Khaimah announced the implementation of 21 standards within the “remote” work system, for emergency purposes approved by the department. The Director General of Institutional Affairs in the department, Noura Al Shehhi, told «Emirates Today» that 21 standards have been identified within the guidelines and controls of work About sale

The Human Resources Department in the Government of Ras Al Khaimah announced the implementation of 21 standards within the “remote” work system, for emergency purposes approved by the department.

The Director General of Institutional Affairs in the department, Noura Al-Shehhi, told «Emirates Today» that 21 criteria have been defined within the guidelines and controls of “remote” work, for all employees working in the government, including that the working hours “at a distance” should not be less than the official working hours prescribed in In normal circumstances, the direct official must prepare a daily work plan for the employee "remotely" that covers all the required work hours and follow up on his performance continuously. The employee "remotely" is obligated to hand over the work at the specified standard times and respond to all calls and emails, and that His work is characterized according to the highest standards and levels The expected performance.

She added that flexible working hours are not applied to work "remotely", nor should the work period be different from the official work period of the government agency, with the need for the employee to adhere to work ethics in place at the headquarters of the entity from maintaining confidentiality of information and maintaining documents and documents And the use of working time to accomplish job tasks, and other standards of sound professional behavior.

And she added that the employee must commit to providing a daily report on his accomplishments and the level of productivity "remotely", as the beginning and end of his work are monitored through six daily statements sent to the direct official, noting that the number of working days will be determined "remotely" according to the conditions that announce The Department of Human Resources, in light of assessing the conditions associated with it.

She added that work is not considered "remotely" as an absolute job right, but rather it is permissible and subject to the approval of the competent authority according to the conditions and mechanism stipulated in the system. The direct official may also terminate the work "remotely" at any time according to his assessment of the employee's performance or his assessment of the need and necessities of the work , And the employee may not object to this termination, and in this case, a working day shall be granted as a notice to the employee.

She stated that the availability of electronic devices and means should be ensured at a level no less than that applied to the original workplace, and the employer may provide some work requirements "remotely" if necessary, and the employee will sign his covenant form according to the conditions set by the authority.

She explained that the employer does not bear any responsibility for work injuries resulting from the work "remotely", nor does it bear any responsibility for damage or damage to equipment, equipment and personal tools used in the completion of the work.

She pointed out that the employer must ensure that the necessary technical support is available to complete the work remotely using digital work-related technologies, and the employee is obliged to come to the original workplace in the event that he is called for official meetings, meetings and partnerships in light of the schedule prepared for that, and the employee does not deserve «remote »Any compensation for overtime in the case of working for hours longer than those officially established in light of his work schedule.

She pointed out that a request for work "remotely" is optional by the employee, but the employer has the right to require work "remotely" compulsorily in mandatory or compelling emergency situations, and in this case all the relevant rules are observed, and other rules are added according to the nature of the work and tasks In light of the business continuity plan.

She stated that «the employee working remotely applies to all the human resources policies and systems in force with the government, and the employee must ensure that an appropriate work environment is provided in the workplace from a distance that provides the ingredients for success and helps to enhance productivity and quality of achievement».

She added that the maximum number of "remote" working days in emergency situations is 10 days, which can be extended by the department, and the period is not required to be continuous, and the employee must obtain the prior approval of the work "remotely" by the direct official.

She stated that the circular provides that the human resources units are required to organize the awareness and training programs necessary to train employees and officials on how to work remotely, supervise performance and achieve the highest possible level of productivity, and the direct official must organize the process of benefiting from remote work and achieve a balance between workers in Workplace and remote workers, and ensure that the working environment and the service delivery process are not affected by these arrangements.

Alternative work

Director of Corporate Affairs in the Human Resources Department in the Government of Ras Al-Khaimah Noura Al-Shehhi said that “remote” work is one of the types of alternative work arrangements through which tasks and job assignments are accomplished from any location other than the workplace or its branches and centers temporarily. According to conditions concerned with the use of communication technologies and digital work systems.

The employer must ensure that the necessary technical support is available to complete the work remotely.

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