Teller Report

“I'm not the king”: Bolshunov on the victory in the overall classification of the CM, rivalry with the Norwegians and the coronavirus

3/14/2020, 8:31:26 PM

Alexander Bolshunov does not consider himself the king of cross-country skiing and is confident that in the future he can conquer many more peaks. The owner of the Big Crystal Globe told how he reacted to his early victory in the World Cup standings, admitted that he was upset by the refusal of the Norwegians to speak at the final stages of the competition in the USA and Canada, and also answered whether he was afraid of the coronavirus epidemic.

- Congratulations on your victory in the individual World Cup. Tell us how did you perceive this success?

- There was a long flight, so there are no emotions. And the competition should have ended not so. They cut off everything and did not allow to celebrate. Moreover, there is no cup. I'll have to fight next year for one more.

- The last time a Russian athlete won the Grand Crystal Globe in cross-country skiing in the 1990/1991 season. Then the first place in the overall standings was taken by Vladimir Smirnov. Didn't that put pressure on you?

“No, I didn't even have this in my head.” Just tuned in for the race. The main thing was to show the result in each race.

- When will the International Ski Federation ( FIS ) deliver the Big Crystal Globe to you?

- Not yet known. FIS will decide where the delivery will be, after which it will inform.

- Is there an option to send the trophy by mail?

- No, the globe will not be sent by parcel.

- The competition was interrupted due to the coronavirus pandemic. Aren't you afraid of this situation?

- Not. If you are afraid, you will catch him.

- In connection with the spread of coronavirus, did doctors more closely monitor the health of athletes?

“They were close by, but doing something else.” The doctors were on the phones and didn't even notice us.

- Due to the threat of the disease, the Norwegian biathlon team refused to participate in the stages of the World Cup in the United States and Canada. How did you react?

- And to the failure of the Norwegians, it was clear that my cup was almost 100%. Their decision was accompanied by the abolition of the last stages. I was very upset when I found out that they would not be. They were the main rivals and should have been present at my holiday, but did not.

“But at the same time, they still respond highly and praise you ...”

“They love it.”

- At the end of the season, your advantage over Johannes Klebo was about 500 points. How did you manage to maintain the proper level of motivation and concentration?

- For me, in the first place there were exclusively races. I did not pay attention to the spectacle backlog.

- What races became the most difficult in the last competitive year?

- I don’t even remember. The season went by in one breath. Everything flew in a jiffy and even a shame that ended so quickly.

- How much did the support from your higher girlfriend Anna Zherebyatieva help you?

- When Anya is nearby, she becomes calm. There is someone to talk to after the races.

- What did the coach of the Russian national team Yuri Borodavko say during the year?

- was silent. It was a funny moment. When he did the work before the first race of 15 kilometers, Yuri Viktorovich said: “So-so. Of course it will, but not really. ” And I felt that my condition was normal, so I decided not to pay attention.

- Can it be assumed that the turning point was your success in the Tour de Ski, after which you were no longer considered the eternal silver medalist?

- Perhaps for fans and spectators I am silver. But my main goal is victory. It is important to do everything gradually. Not so, to win one start, and then fail and end with sports.

- You did something especially in preparation for this season, because usually the climb to Alpe Cermis was very difficult for you?

- To be honest, before that there was no such great desire to win. This is the first start when I was preparing from the very beginning to the end to show a good result. Glad everything worked.

- During the ascent, you held on to the back of Sergey Ustyugov, and then went around him. During this maneuver, many hastened to call you a "backpack." Was it a shame?

- You need to be the wrong person to call a “backpack” in such a situation. When you go uphill, you can only keep up the pace and nothing more. I would not say that I am offended, but the sediment remained.

- At the same time, one of the most difficult things was grazing at the final stage of the Ski Tour in Trondheim, when you made a mistake when choosing skis. Remember how you reacted then?

- I immediately said: “We arrived.” And then, in the course of the course, I said many thanks to Yuri Borodavko and the greasers. But still, it was our common mistake.

- In fact, on the "Ski Tour" you had to fight alone with six Norwegians ...

- Otherwise, nothing. One in the field is also a warrior. I will not say that it was hard. On the contrary, it’s nice when someone is trying to overtake you. I do the same thing.

- In February, your main rival in the overall World Cup standings, Johannes Klebo broke his finger, as a result of which his participation in the Ski Tour was called into question. What did you think when you found out about this?

- There were no thoughts. I understood that this was strange information. Whether this is true or not. But after this news, he began to prepare for the Ski Tour even more persistently. At all 110%.

- Surely, you were not surprised that the Norwegian skiers tried to actively interact with each other and apply team tactics against you ...

- No, tactics always come first in Norway. If you recall, the last memorable moment was the mass start at 34 kilometers in Meroker. Then Shur Rethe began to run away before the bonus cutoff. On command, the rest of the Norwegians began to look around, to see where I am. And after four of them stood in a row to prevent me. But I traveled through the snowdrifts.

- In the third stage of the Ski Tour in Auray, you could not reach the final of the mountain sprint due to a clash with Simen Krueger. Do you think he deliberately bumped into you?

- There were a lot of different thoughts after what he did. I think it was not on purpose. He just wanted to be the first to climb the climb.

- Now consider yourself the king of skiing?

“I'm not the king yet.” Many goals have not been achieved. Further preparation and taking of those peaks that are not yet in my collection.

- At the end of March, the Russian skiing championship should start in Tyumen. Do you think these competitions will not suffer the fate of the final stages of the World Cup?

- As for the championship of Russia, nothing is yet known. It can also be canceled. But if it takes place, then I will run all the races.

- And if not, what are you planning to do?

- Train, getting ready for the next season.