Teller Report

Vietnam grants 'exceptional entry' to Samsung employees… Quarantine process released

3/13/2020, 11:22:20 PM

The Vietnamese government yesterday allowed about 170 Samsung employees to enter the country without quarantine. Businessmen have made it possible for them to enter the country exceptionally, but the Korean government is focusing on unraveling the diplomatic mission's quarantine procedures.


The Vietnamese government yesterday (13th) allowed more than 170 Samsung employees to enter the country without quarantine measures. Businessmen have made it possible for them to enter the country exceptionally, but the Korean government is focusing on unraveling the diplomatic mission's quarantine procedures.

Reporter Kim A-young.


The Vietnamese government is quarantining those who have arrived from Korea, but only yesterday, corona19 voice confirmation was granted to 170 Samsung Display engineers who arrived at Bundon Airport in Quang Ninh Province, allowing them to enter the country.

It was evaluated that they had established well-prepared measures such as separating the employees' work space and accommodation from the existing employees. A government official evaluated it as "judgment considering Samsung, global customers, and the overall economy of Vietnam."

Samsung will send an additional 500 employees, and the government is also negotiating with Vietnam for the entry of LG Display employees.

President Moon Jae-in instructed the international organization to review the proposals to be considered as the 'standard model' for exceptional entry into business activities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released immigration and quarantine processes to diplomatic groups in 47 countries.

[Joanne Dolnewald / Dutch Ambassador to Korea: (From Korea) Of course you can learn a lesson. This is also the reason for reporting to headquarters. Today's tour will also help the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.]

Although the popularity has continued, the specific effect is still unknown.

[Dinara Kemerova / Kyrgyzstan Ambassador to Korea: I explained the quarantine process, and I think the process is good, but I am still concerned (because there are a lot of foreign transit passengers as well as Korea).]

Currently, there are over 120 countries and regions in Korea.