Teller Report

Trump expressed confidence that he did not become infected with a coronavirus

3/13/2020, 8:49:37 PM

US President Donald Trump told reporters that he has no symptoms of coronavirus infection.

“We have no symptoms at all,” Trump said about himself and his surroundings.

He noted that a team of doctors was following him.

Trump also added that Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaru, whom he met, had a negative coronavirus test.

On March 7, Trump and Bolsonaru met in Florida.

March 13, the Brazilian publication O Dia, citing sources, reported that the first test for the presence of coronavirus by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro gave a positive result. Bolsonaru later stated that he had passed a negative test for coronavirus infection COVID-19. Previously, a positive test was revealed by his spokesman.

It was also reported that Miami Mayor Francis Suarez contracted COVID-19 coronavirus infection after meeting with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaru.

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