Teller Report

Moves to ban foreign visitors in Europe Poland and Denmark

3/13/2020, 11:04:32 PM

As the spread of the new coronavirus spreads, Polish Prime Minister Morawie ウ ィ ski announced on Tuesday that foreigners will be banned from entry on March 15…

7:55 on March 14 in Poland and Denmark

As the outbreak of the new coronavirus spreads, Polish Prime Minister Morawie キ ski announced on Tuesday that foreigners will be banned from entry on March 15. He also asks Polish nationals returning from abroad to spend two weeks at home, etc., to avoid contact with outsiders.

"Most of the new coronaviruses identified in Poland have come from foreign countries. In the current situation, borders cannot be kept open," Morawieski said.

Denmark also announced that it will not allow foreigners to enter the country for one month starting on the 14th. It excludes some people, such as working in Denmark.