Teller Report

Zlatan's nose was a fake nose - believed to be a syphilis prosthesis

3/12/2020, 4:10:54 PM

The SVT program We Who Loved Zlatan with Janne Josefsson reveals that what is suspected to be the lost nose of the Zlatan statue has been posted online. The artist behind the statue seemed to recognize his nose, but the image comes from the British museum group Science museum group and represents a nasal prosthesis from the 17th-17th century.

The cultural news this week incorrectly reported that Zlatan statue's stolen nose was posted on Instagram.

In the program We Who Loved Zlatan, the editors do not claim to have found "the right nose", but the reporter Janne Josefsson speaks with the artist behind the Zlatan statue who seems to recognize his nose. But it does not belong to the statue.

One who recognized his nose was Anders Hallberg, who posted the same image on social media as a joke during the Christmas holidays.

"My nose"

- That's the picture I googled on Christmas Eve. It ended with Janne Josefsson, I thought it was quite fun, he says and continues:

- He showed the artist the picture, then I knew it was not the right nose, it was "my" nose.

The image, which is available for everyone to use, comes from the Science museum group - a collection of British historical and scientific museums. The nose in question is believed to be of European origin from the 17th or 18th centuries and has probably been used as a prosthesis by someone who lost his nose in battle or as a result of syphilis.

No changes will be made to Vi who loved Zlatan because of the true origin of the nose image, according to Janne Josefsson.

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