Teller Report

Macron announces the closure of schools, municipal maintained

3/12/2020, 7:58:19 PM

"We are only at the beginning of the epidemic, everywhere in Europe, it is accelerating", warned Emmanuel Macron in an address Thursday evening

Emmanuel Macron gave an update on the coronavirus in a television address, March 12, 2020. - TWITTER / ELYSEE

Emmanuel Macron addressed the French with "a lot of seriousness and lucidity". The head of state announced in a televised address on Thursday that nurseries and schools will close from Monday onwards to "slow the spread of the coronavirus". However, municipal elections will take place as scheduled this Sunday and March 22. Emmanuel Macron also asked all companies able to set up remote work, and announced "exceptional" economic support measures, including short-time working.

Schools closed from Monday

Nurseries, schools, colleges, high schools, universities ... All schools will be closed from Monday to "slow the spread" of the coronavirus. According to scientists, even if children and young people are less at risk, "they are the ones who spread the virus the quickest," said Emmanuel Macron.

Municipal maintained

The head of state consulted scientists and political parties. According to them, "there is nothing to prevent the French, even the most vulnerable, from going to the polls," said Emmanuel Macron. Who, however, announced "reinforced instructions" to enforce "barrier gestures against the virus" and ensure that the elderly do not queue long: "I trust the mayors and the good citizenship of everyone. "

Telework "when possible"

The head of state asked companies to "give priority to working at a distance when possible". He also recommends that "all people over the age of 70, those who suffer from chronic diseases, stay at home as much as possible". It is not a question of confinement: these people "can obviously leave their homes to do their shopping or to ventilate themselves", but Emmanuel Macron insists, they must "limit their contacts to the maximum".

"Exceptional" measures of partial unemployment

He announced "exceptional and massive" measures to "protect employees and businesses" in the face of the coronavirus epidemic. "From the coming days, an exceptional and massive mechanism of partial unemployment will be implemented", which will go "much further" than the announcements already made by the government to "preserve jobs and skills", said the president . He also promised a postponement of corporate taxes due in March, and called on Europe and the G7 to adopt an economic recovery plan. Emmanuel Macron warned: "We are only at the beginning of this epidemic, everywhere in Europe it is accelerating and intensifying. Our top priority is our health. "


Coronavirus: Partial unemployment, imposed paid holidays, right of withdrawal… What can companies and employees do (or not)?


Coronavirus LIVE: “As of Monday, crèches, schools, colleges, high schools, universities will be closed,” announces Emmanuel Macron…

  • Emmanuel Macron
  • Society
  • Municipal

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