Teller Report

Haaks Vakifbank Istanbul to the Champions League semi

3/12/2020, 8:58:36 PM

Vakifbank Istanbul, with Swedish star Isabelle Haak in the lead, is ready for the semi-finals of the Volleyball Champions League. That after a second win with a 3-0 set against Dinamo Moscow. "That has been our goal for a long time," Haak told the European Volleyball Association.

Isabelle Haak, 20, was best on the field with 17 points when Vakifbank Istanbul won at home in the Champions League quarter-finals.

- I'm glad we played this well today. We had decided to win and we really showed that, says the Swede.

Last season the team went into the semi-finals, but now the corona virus makes it unclear if and how the tournament will continue.

- We will see what happens. When we play the semi-finals, and if we play the semi-finals.

CLIP: Do you know more than Isabelle Haak about Istanbul?

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Do you know more than Isabelle Haak about Istanbul?