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Coronavirus in Spain: latest news from COVID-19 live

3/12/2020, 3:31:50 PM

In Spain, there are already 84 dead and almost 3,000 diagnosed cases of coronavirus, including that of Minister Irene Montero, who has tested positive for COVID-19. The Kings have

  • Keys: coronavirus symptoms, treatment and prevention
  • Contagion: Coronavirus map in Spain

In Spain, there are already 84 dead and almost 3,000 diagnosed cases of coronavirus , including that of Minister Irene Montero , who has tested positive for COVID-19 . The Kings have canceled their schedule and submitted to the coronavirus test. The League and all sports competitions have been suspended. and teams like Real Madrid, quarantined. Meanwhile, the Army is preparing to intervene if necessary with field hospitals .

Coronavirus data in Spain

    Total figures : 2,968 diagnosed cases (84 deaths)

  • 1,388 in Madrid (38 dead)
  • 346 in Basque Country (9 dead)
  • 260 in Catalonia (4 dead)
  • 205 in La Rioja (2 dead)
  • 115 in Castilla-La Mancha (1 dead)
  • 115 in Andalusia
  • 94 in the Valencian Community (1 dead)
  • 92 in Castilla y León
  • 73 in Navarra
  • 64 in Aragon (6 dead)
  • 51 in the Canary Islands
  • 47 in Asturias (1 dead)
  • 35 in Galicia
  • 26 in Murcia
  • 22 in the Balearic Islands (1 dead)
  • 19 in Extremadura (1 dead)
  • 16 in Cantabria
  • There have been 189 discharges
  • Source: Ministry of Health and regional councils

15.58 Sánchez transfers 2,800 million on account to the communities to fight the coronavirus

The Council of Ministers has approved the transfer, in advance of advances on account, of 2,800 million euros to the communities to strengthen their health services in the fight against the coronavirus . Pedro Sánchez has announced it, which in a telematic appearance has also guaranteed the supply of medicines, for which the Executive may regulate the sale price. The Council has also approved the implementation of rapid procedures to procure goods and services necessary to fight the epidemic.

15.47 At street level: life in Madrid in full battle against the coronavirus

The closure of schools in Madrid causes paradoxical situations. The classrooms are empty but, nevertheless, in some parks there is more influx than usual. Students from the EL MUNDO Master of Journalism have told it in this thread on Twitter.

The fact that these groups can become new sources of contagion has led some municipalities in the Community of Madrid to close precisely the parks, reports Roberto Bécares. [Full information, here]

15.38 The Madrid Book Fair, in October

The Madrid Book Fair will be held this year from October 2 and not in May, as was traditional, reports Luis Alemany. The postponement decided by the Guild of Booksellers responds to the crisis situation caused by the COVID-19 virus, which is paralyzing all public events in the city. The booksellers, as EL MUNDO has learned, are confident that the health situation will improve before May but believe that it will not be possible to carry out the works prior to the fair in April. Colombia, the guest country of the Fair, has been informed of the postponement.

In Barcelona, ​​the Llibreters Guild still has a decision on what to do with Sant Jordi Day on April 23

15.31 Madrid marathon postponed by the coronavirus

"Since the organization of the EDP Rock 'n' Roll Madrid Marathon & 1/2 together with the local authorities we have decided to postpone the 43 edition of the event until November 15, 2020" . This has just been announced in a statement the postponement of the test, originally scheduled for the end of April. The decision is made, says the statement, for "the health and safety of the participants" and as a measure to curb the spread of coronavirus, in a city, Madrid, where cases and deaths from the disease are concentrated. "All runners enrolled in the EDP Rock 'n' Roll Madrid Marathon & will automatically maintain their enrollment for the new date. Runners unable to attend the new date may also choose to transfer their enrollment to the 2021 or 2022 edition, or make the change of holder of your registration without cost ", clarifies the statement.

15:15 Coronavirus layoffs

The effects of the coronavirus are a reality in the economy and a part of them are also transferred to the labor market, where some companies have begun to take drastic measures after suffering a radical reduction or the cancellation of the services they provide. Meliá, Air Europa, some companies have started announcing layoffs [Full information, here]

14.48 Castilla y León asks the Government to suspend Easter due to the coronavirus

The Junta de Castilla y León has addressed this Thursday to the Government of Spain and the Episcopal Conference to request and recommend, due to the coronavirus pandemic , the suspension of Holy Week in the Community, a measure that the autonomous Executive has encrypted that It will carry more than 60 million euros in losses.

The vice-president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Francisco Igea, has also reported at a press conference on the prohibition from celebrating liturgical events in Miranda de Ebro (Burgos), this Friday, the main focus of coronavirus in the Community. For his part, the mayor of Valladolid, Óscar Puente, understands and abides by a possible suspension of the processions and other penitential acts of Holy Week involving crowds and massive contacts between people, for the benefit of the health of citizens. "If there is that to suspend it, with all the pain of our heart we will do it, there is no other, and we will prepare the next one in the best possible way ", he considered.

14.26 Telematic vote in Congress for the coronavirus

The President of Congress, Meritxell Batet, has announced that the next plenary will be held on March 24 to validate the decree-laws pending approval. Only the deputies who will intervene will have to attend. The rest may vote electronically.

14.13 The ECB's response to the coronavirus

The European Central Bank (ECB) has been the last of the greats to speak out before the expansion of the effects of the coronavirus on the economy of the region. At its meeting this Thursday in Frankfurt, the entity maintains interest rates unchanged but has approved the approval of a series of temporary liquidity auctions until June 2020 and an extraordinary purchase of assets worth 120,000 million until the end of the year [La complete information]

13.53 Museums, libraries and archives closed in Galicia due to coronavirus

All schools in Galicia, at all levels, will remain closed as of Monday, March 16, due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. The decision has just been communicated by the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in an appearance in which he explained that the measure will be mandatory from next Monday and is already a recommendation from Friday morning, reports Natalia Puga .

The measure affects all educational levels and all extracurricular activities, and it has also been decided to close museums, libraries and archives and suspend all practices for health science students in health centers.

The Galician government has also agreed on measures in health centers, where attendance has been limited to one companion per patient, visits via the internet and by phone are promoted, and visits by medical and pharmaceutical visitors are suspended.

As for public events, outdoors the capacity will be limited to 500 and in closed places the general rule will be to limit attendance to 50 people, but if the size of the premises is greater, one person will be allowed for every three of those that have the capacity, that is, with a capacity of 900, will only be able to attend 300.

In addition, meetings with all the spokespersons of the other parties are promoted and they will propose that the pre-campaign acts be suspended. The PP has already decided to suspend all its acts, and it proposes to the other parties that they do the same.

13.45 Guidelines for combating coronavirus

Remember symptoms, treatment and how to avoid contagion


Juan Martínez Hernández, Public Health spokesperson for the Collegiate Medical Organization (WTO) and expert in clinical research , will answer your questions about the Covid-19 coronavirus from 6:00 p.m. [ Submit your question ].

13.39 The Igualada focus due to the coronavirus and Catalonia closes classrooms tomorrow

Those infected by coronavirus in the outbreak detected yesterday in Igualada (Barcelona) have risen to 49 infected today, of whom 33 are professionals from the hospital in this town of 40,000 inhabitants, in addition to three elderly people with previous pathologies who have died.

The Secretary of Public Health of the Generalitat, Joan Guix, has confirmed that the deceased are two old women, 71 and 83 years old, and an 86-year-old man. With these three deaths, the number of those who have died so far in Catalonia rises to six. coronavirus, reports Gerard Melgar.

[ The coronavirus crisis extends the closure of schools throughout the Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia and Oviedo ]

13.20 The unstoppable progression of the virus places Spain with almost 3,000 infections

The Ministry of Health records this Thursday 84 deaths with coronavirus (34 more than yesterday) and 2,968 confirmed cases in Spain, 816 more than on Wednesday, Efe has advanced.

Almost half of the total are located in Madrid (1,388), the most affected community along with the Basque Country (346), Catalonia (260) and La Rioja (205).

These are the latest data from the department headed by Salvador Illa, which has also reported 189 discharges since the outbreak began.

In addition to Madrid, the Basque Country, La Rioja and Catalonia, the data by communities are: Andalucía (115), Castilla-La Mancha (115), Comunidad Valenciana (94), Castilla y León (92), Navarra (73), Aragón (64), Canarias (51), Asturias (47), Galicia (35), Murcia (26), Baleares (22), Extremadura (19) and Cantabria (16).

The autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla continue without registering confirmed cases.

13.10 Ada Colau, isolated by the coronovirus

The Mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, is among the 145 workers and five councilors (Janet Sanz, Jaume Collboni, Montserrat Ballarín, Jordi Martí and Rosa Alarcón) of the Barcelona City Council in preventive isolation due to coronavirus.

Five workers of the Consistory have tested positive for Covid-19, two of which from the area of ​​Economics. The government commission of the City Council was held today without a face-to-face meeting, reports Gerard Melgar

12.59 The Kings of Spain have undergone the coronovirus test

The Kings of Spain have undergone this Thursday the coronavirus test. [ The Kings undergo the coronavirus test after the Queen coincided with Irene Montero in one act ]

Early this morning, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, EU and Cooperation, Arancha González Laya, explained that she was "in contact with the US authorities" to discuss the trip of the Kings of Spain to Washington scheduled for April. . The Foreign Minister has also worked to see if the Washington trip that she and the Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, have scheduled for next week is maintained, according to what she said in an interview on TVE collected by Europa Press.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has decided to suspend for 30 days from travel from Europe to the United States , but the Spanish minister has clarified that official trips, like humanitarian trips, are not covered by such prohibitions, because governments have to keep working. Yesterday, on the visit of the Kings to France, contact was avoided in the greeting with Macron and his wife. [ Kisses in the air at the reception for the Kings of Macron and his wife ] The same to see if the Washington trip that she and the Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, have scheduled for next week is maintained, according to what she said in a interview on TVE collected by Europa Press.

12.54 Galicia, Euskadi close classrooms

The closing of classrooms is happening in different regions and cities. Galicia is the last to close its educational centers and join the decisions, taken along the same lines, by the autonomous governments of the Basque Country and Catalonia. [ The Basque Country closes all schools due to the coronavirus and Catalonia plans to do so starting Monday ]

12.48 McLaren says he will not participate in the Australian GP

"The decision has been made out of a duty to protect not only McLaren employees and partners, but all teams and fans," the British squad argued in a statement released via their official Twitter profile.

Hours earlier, the German driver Sebastian Vettel (Ferrari), four-time Formula One world champion, considered it "logical" to ask "why are we here" and why the Australian Grand Prix is ​​underway despite the cancellations of other competitions due to the coronavirus. [ McLaren will not participate in the Australian Grand Prix for a case of coronavirus and the start of the World Cup is in the air ]

12.41 Tax exemptions for Madrid due to the coronavirus

The Madrid City Council has announced tax exemptions (IBI and IAE) for an amount of 63 million euros for the companies most affected by the coronavirus epidemic, mainly for the leisure, hospitality and commercial sector businesses, according to Roberto Bécares .

In addition, from tomorrow the 40,000 municipal employees, except for "essential services", will be able to work from home starting tomorrow, Friday.

12.37 El Rastro closes by Covid-19

The Madrid City Council has announced that they suspend all the markets, including El Rastro, which takes place on Sunday, and is a must-see event for tourism in the city, reports Roberto Bécares.

12.30 Automated door opening in the Madrid Metro

In the Madrid Metro, an access door and an exit door will be left open in each Metro station to avoid people having to touch them, reports Marta Bellver.

12.29 Italy, follow Chinese policy, and study to build a hospital in Milan

Italy is studying building a hospital in Milan with 500 intensive unit posts, reports Soraya Melguizo . [ Italy studies building a hospital in Milan with 500 intensive unit posts ]

This morning China has passed the peak of the coranovirus outbreak. In January, the peak of the coronavirus expansion, the Chinese government mobilized all its resources to combat the contagion that was rapidly approaching 1,000 people. A hundred excavators have been working since Friday to build a 1,000-bed hospital in Wuhan, the city where the first cases were detected, to provide "effective and isolated treatment for infected patients." The big challenge is time: they want it to be operational on Monday, February 3. [ Wuhan builds a hospital in 10 days for those affected by the coronavirus ]

12.26 Euskadi closes all classes due to the coronavirus

The Basque Department of Health has decided to extend the cessation of face-to-face teaching activity to Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, so that there will be no classes at any educational center in the Basque Country, reports Efe.

The Basque Minister of Health, Nekane Murga, will give details of this decision at a press conference to be held at 1:00 pm in Vitoria, as confirmed by sources of the Basque Government

12.20 The capital of Spain is losing its pulse due to the coronavirus

Madrid, the capital and city of Spain most affected by the coronavirus, is losing its pulse due to this epidemic. Citizens who have approached the Madrid Registry today have found their doors closed. The image has been repeating itself in offices and registers of public organizations, both at the state level, as well as regional and local. [ Chaos at the gates of the Civil Registry after the closure due to the coronavirus ]

12.17 EMT users in Madrid fell by 41% due to the coronavirus

The number of passengers on Madrid buses fell by 41% in absolute terms this past Wednesday compared to the previous one. If on March 4 EMT buses carried 1.7 million users, yesterday they carried 996,000.

12.04 Spanish football league coronavirus suspended

"Given the circumstances known this morning, referring to the quarantine established at Real Madrid and the possible positives in players from other clubs, LaLiga considers that the circumstances are already in place to continue with the next phase of the protocol of action against COVID - 19. Consequently, in accordance with the measures established in Royal Decree 664/1997 of May 12, agrees to suspend at least the next two days. [ The League suspends the next two days of First and Second for the coronavirus crisis ]

12.03 Madrid registers in the last 24 hours seven deaths from coronavirus

Spain reaches 2,300 infections of coronavirus and registers 63 deaths. The Community of Madrid registers in the last 24 hours seven dead and 364 confirmed infected with coronavirus, reports Efe.


From ASPE and UNESPA, whose employers of private Health and private health insurances direct Carlos Rus and Pilar González de Frutos, it has been agreed this morning that despite the global pandemic situation and, in case of declaration of epidemic status in Spain (not yet formally declared), the insured will continue to be covered in the case of coronavirus, without exception of any case, reports Pilar Pérez .

"In this way, we maintain our commitment to users of private healthcare in our country," emphasizes Rus.


A player from the Real Madrid basketball section has tested positive for coronavirus and the club has decided to quarantine all of Valdebebas , reports Jaime Rodríguez . [ All sections of Real Madrid, quarantined for a positive for coronavirus in the basketball team ]


Health Minister Salvador Ila has undergone a coronavirus test. Pending the results, the minister's appearance in the Congress Health Commission is postponed.

Illa has made herself available to the president of the Commission, Rosa Romero, to find a date as soon as possible, reports Miguel G. Corral.


The entire government submits to the tests after the positive of Minister Montero. After the Council of Ministers that is being held today with an extraordinary nature to take economic measures to alleviate this crisis due to the coronavirus, Pedro Sánchez will offer a press round-up electronically, reports Roberto Benito. Irene Montero tests positive for coronavirus: Pablo Iglesias is quarantined and the entire government submits to the tests


Irene Montero, Minister of Equality, is infected with coronavirus, and her husband Pablo Iglesias, vice president, in quarantine. [ Irene Montero tests positive for coronavirus and Pablo Iglesias quarantined ]


Several monuments and tourist sites have partially reopened this Thursday in Shanghai , as the Chinese economic capital does not register any new coronavirus contamination and the activity is gradually resuming in other parts of the country. In fact, the Asian country celebrates the closure of hospitals.

The Shanghai Tower, the second tallest building in the world at 632 meters high, and the futuristic Pearl of the East, the emblematic television tower overlooking the Huangpu River, announced the reopening of the observation platforms and various spaces, whose access, however, will continue to be subject to certain restrictions.

The Shanghai museum will reopen on Friday, but will not be able to receive more than 2,000 visitors per day.

According to local media, other tourist spots will gradually open, reports France Presse.



The border between Morocco and Melilla for the post of Chinatown has dawned closed this Thursday for border trade, in order to avoid the crowds that star hundreds of porters who move goods from one side to another for resale, within the measures adopted by the Government Delegation and the Ministry of Health in the coronavirus crisis.

The delegate of the Government, Sabrina Moh (PSOE), the Minister of Health Mohamed Mohand and the Director of Health, Omar El Hoauri, explained that the atypical trade is suspended this Thursday due to the passage of Chinatown, following the action that is being carried out. leading in all places to suspend all activities that bring together a significant number of people, reports Europa Press.

Given that atypical trade occurs from Monday to Thursday, the delegate of the Government has indicated that "the measures that will be taken in the coming days regarding this trade will be studied and reported on."

For the rest of the border crossings that separate Melilla from Morocco, such as the main one in Beni-Enzar and the one in Farhana, Sabrina Moh explained that "there are no specific measures for border crossings since neither Melilla nor Morocco are risk areas" .


The Government of Catalonia approves a line of loans of up to one billion to help small and medium-sized companies overcome the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus. It also decrees a moratorium on the tourist tax until next September and that the 061 telephone be free for citizens while the health emergency situation continues, reports Gerard Melgar .


Some 2,800 visitors attended the Prado Museum yesterday on their last day of visits until the coronavirus pandemic advised to reopen its doors when daily visits reached 8,000 people.

The director of the Prado Museum, Miguel Falomir, who has provided these figures, has said, in statements to the SER Network collected by Servimedia, that he understood the decision of the temporary closure "until further notice" because, in addition, "as they passed the days no one would come. " Workers continue to go to the museum, although "the few" who can telework are doing so, and measures have been provided for those who have children or elderly dependents.

The Ministry of Culture and Sports yesterday ordered the closure of all national museums in Madrid, including the Prado, the Reina Sofía and the Thyssen-Bornemisza, as well as the suspension of activities at the Spanish Film Archive, the archives and other dependencies of the Ministry in the capital. [ Coronavirus in culture: Madrid's great museums close "until further notice"

The Prado Museum, after closing, will extend its social media directives to an hour daily to present its collection, as well as lesser-known spaces and activities.


The President of the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha, Pablo Bellido, has advanced moments before kicking off the plenary session scheduled in Parliament for this Thursday that the Castilian-Manchego deputies will leave a seat of distance between them as a preventive measure in the face of the advance scenario of the coronavirus.

In statements to the media from the plenary, Bellido added that hydrogels have been installed in different places in Parliament, in the same way that a large number of handkerchiefs have been purchased and thrown away. Likewise, measures will continue to be taken in the coming days, such as limiting the trips of their lordships and holding fewer meetings, reports Europa Press.

Bellido has presented other proposed measures, such as workers who wish to do so may opt for telework as a preventive measure. It is about taking measures, "as in any workplace", to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

After recalling that the next plenary session is scheduled for April 2, he has confirmed that he does not intend to settle parliamentary activity until he is advised by health authorities.


Recently retired doctors could rejoin to strengthen the health service "while the crisis lasts" for the coronavirus, said Josu Erkoreka, spokesman for the Basque Government.

The Basque Executive is "intensifying the recommendations to the population" to contribute to "hinder the spread" of the disease that is having an "intense rhythm", according to an interview with RNE, collected by Europa Press. In the Basque Country, infections exceed 260 infections and 9 people have died.


Defense is making an inventory of all the medical supplies it has in its warehouses. Among this material, the most needed: respirators, reports Fernando Lázaro . [ The military is preparing to intervene in the coronavirus crisis ]


The trip of the Kings of Spain to Washington, scheduled for April, is going to be the matter for which the Minister of Foreign Affairs, EU and Cooperation, Arancha González Laya, "in contact with the US authorities." The same to see if the Washington trip that she and the Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, have scheduled for next week is maintained, according to what she said in an interview on TVE collected by Europa Press.

He has also affirmed that the State trip of the Kings, scheduled for next April 21, remains "for now", but has made it clear that in this situation decisions evolve, as more data is known, not from day by day but "from hour to hour".

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has decided to suspend for 30 days from travel from Europe to the United States , but the Spanish minister has clarified that official trips, like humanitarian trips, are not covered by such prohibitions, because governments have to keep working. Yesterday, on the visit of the Kings to France, contact was avoided in the greeting with Macron and his wife. [ Kisses in the air at the reception to the Kings of Macron and his wife ]


The Spanish stock market loses 7,000 points in the early stages of this Thursday's session after 6% plummeted, in a day of great losses in all world squares due to the lack of important economic measures to face a possible recession due to the coronavirus.

At 10 o'clock, the main indicator of the Spanish Stock Exchange, the IBEX 35, is quoted at 6,982 points, which has remained at a minimum since 2012, reports Efe.

IG analysts explain that Europe is plummeting again today after US President Donald Trump "has been unable to reassure the markets " with specific stimulus measures to limit the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. [ The Ibex plummets 6% ].


The Defense Ministry already has plans on the table for the military to participate in health work to deal with the coronavirus crisis. They are prepared to deploy sanitary facilities similar to those that are carried out in international missions in a short space of time and anywhere in Spain, reports Fernando Lázaro .

The aim would be to start field hospitals immediately in the most affected areas . Madrid, La Rioja and the Basque Country are the main focus of attention.

Preparations of facilities are already being carried out in hospitals in the capital, freeing up areas, to implement field hospitals immediately. The newspaper Abc anticipates that among those hospitals is La Paz, one of the most saturated by those affected by the coronavirus. They are liberating the gym area to enable a new area there to attend to possible future infected. And the Army is participating in its work.


The Generalitat has temporarily suspended the activity of two day centers in Barcelona, ​​after confirming a case of coronavirus in each of them, and has closed for a minimum period of 15 days the homes for the elderly and civic, the houses of the sea and toy libraries.

In the case of day centers that share a building with a residence, the department's order is to ensure that both users and professionals of the residence and the day center are in separate spaces and do not come into contact.

Thus, if it is not possible to keep the spaces separate, the day center will have to temporarily stop the activity and alternatives will be sought for each user, according to the ministry that Chakir el Homrani directs, reports Efe.

As for residential centers for the care of the elderly, people with disabilities and mental health, the department has given three new indications: reinforce hygiene measures, temporarily suspend new admissions in order to have space for the isolation of possible affected and restrict family visits to the centers as much as possible.

In this sense, entry will only be allowed in cases of emergency or justified need.

The Generalitat also recommends that educational institutions cancel all activities involving the coincidence of minors and young people from different educational centers during the next fifteen days.


The Senate's agenda marks the celebration of a plenary session for next Tuesday and Wednesday, includes a control session for the government and the participation of the president, Pedro Sánchez, but today the upper house meets to see what he does with his scheduled activities . The Senate on Tuesday approved a plan of action against the coronavirus for the staff.

The meeting will take place once the Congress of Deputies has also decided on its parliamentary agenda, since the two Houses are acting in parallel, reports Europa Press.

This week, political acts and all visits and meetings with people or groups outside of parliament have been canceled , but the two institutions are still open and their employees are coming to work. [ The Congress and the Senate suspend their activity a week after the positive of the deputy Ortega Smith for coronavirus ]


Ana Pastor, second vice president of the Congress of Deputies, infected with coronavirus, in an interview with Herrera in Cope , assures that she is well and praises the work of the health workers in these difficult times. Ana Pastor asks to face the coronavirus crisis "with loyalty, never thinking about politics"

Despite being asymptomatic, the first PP policy to declare its contagion (in the area of ​​politicians Abascal, from Vox, is also affected) has ensured that it does not receive visits and that it is reading. "No one comes to see me at home. I am dedicating myself to reading," he said.

"On Saturday afternoon coming back from Malaga, I went to a women's act, I was fine. Then I took a plane because I was coming to Vigo. And that's when I started feeling bad. I had a two-day process of high fever and headache. Then everything went very well. I have followed the recommendations of my colleagues and I have stayed at home, "he said in the interview. [ Ana Pastor, first positive of the PP for coronavirus:" I am perfectly fine without fever "



Italy begins this Thursday a new phase of fighting the coronavirus with the closure of non-essential businesses, except pharmacies or food stores, among others, to contain this epidemic that has infected 12,462 people and killed 827. [ Italy it dawns closed in a new phase of fight against the coronavirus ]


All the branches of the Tax Agency have been ordered not to let anyone in without an appointment and have closed their records , reports Pablo Herráiz.


The Minister of Health of the Community of Extremadura, who accounts for 9 infections by coronavirus, has asked students (more than 2,000) to return home due to the closure of Madrid university centers, for the moment for fifteen days, to stay in their houses 72 hours , reports the newspaper Hoy .


The Spanish stock market plunges 5.49% at the opening of this Thursday, to 7,027.90 points, after the heavy losses registered in the US and Asia, and with investors waiting for possible measures that the Bank may approve European Central (ECB) to deal with the coronavirus, declared pandemic, collects Efe. [ The Ibex plummets more than 5% in the opening after the falls in Wall Street and Asia due to the coronavirus ]


German driver Sebastian Vettel (Ferrari), a four-time Formula One world champion, considered it "logical" to ask "why are we here" and why the Australian Grand Prix is ​​underway despite cancellations by others competitions for the coronavirus.

"It is difficult to have a proper judgment of what is happening, but you realize that you have many competitions that have been postponed or canceled. It is logical to ask why we are here. Obviously, the FIA ​​takes all possible precautions, but you may ask yourself how much It can avoid. You have to take care of yourself as much as possible, " said the German driver at the initial press conference of the Grand Prix, reports Efe.

The Teutonic pilot made these statements while several members of teams such as Haas or McLaren are separated by possible cases of COVID-19, not yet confirmed, one day after the first free practice starts on the Albert Park urban circuit.


Two positives admitted by coronavirus and 12 more residents who present symptoms in the staff of the Hospital Fundación Alcorcón, after sharing social activities outside working hours , according to Cadena Ser, and sources from the Hospital have confirmed to Europa Press.

The twelve people with symptoms contacted the Center's Occupational Health services and are observing them, the isolation protocol is being applied to them until they confirm whether they are infected or not.

As for the second event outside working hours, a dinner for one of them and where several professionals from the Hospital participated , only one positive for coronavirus has been registered, while the rest of the attendees did not present symptoms.

Two doctors infected with coronavirus and 12 more with symptoms in the Alcorcón hospital after sharing private events


Italy begins this Thursday a new phase of fight against the coronavirus with the closure of non-essential businesses, except pharmacies or food , among others, to contain this epidemic that has infected 12,462 people and killed 827.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte last night called on the country for a "new effort" after days of movement limitations and closure of public spaces and decreed more restrictive measures, as requested by the region of Lombardy (north), the most affected, reports Efe. The measures will be in force until March 25.[ "Everything will be fine": letter from an Italian quarantined by coronavirus



China has passed the peak of the coronavirus epidemic, National Health Commission spokeswoman Mi Feng said at a press conference, Reuters reports.

The Ministry of Health of China has confirmed on Thursday the death of 11 new people (in the province of Hubei), representing a total of 3,169 deaths, due to the new coronavirus and the contagion of 15 others, thus adding 80,793, Another day of decreases in the number of cases that affect the Asian country.

The numbers of deaths and infections in China have fallen sharply in recent days, without reaching even twenty this Thursday, compared to the thousands of cases they registered during the previous weeks, reports Europa Press.


The price of a barrel of oil was trading this Thursday with falls of over 4% after Donald Trump announced yesterday the suspension of the entry to the United States of foreign citizens who have been in any of the European countries belonging to the Schengen Area, as a measure for prevention and control of the new coronavirus.

In this way, the barrel of Brent crude, a benchmark for the Old Continent, came to fall this Thursday up to 6.9%, below 34 dollars, although minutes before the opening of the European exchanges it recovered part of the terrain lost and slowed its decline to 4.08%, at $ 34.33 per barrel, compared to the closing of $ 35.79 on Wednesday, reports Europa Press.


Today, the Royal Decree-Law that includes the exceptional consideration as a situation assimilated to an accident at work of periods of isolation or contagion of workers as a consequence of the Covid-19 virus comes into force.

The fifth article of the norm establishes that, in order to protect public health, they will be considered, exceptionally, a situation assimilated to an accident at work , exclusively for the economic benefit of temporary disability of the Social Security system, those periods of isolation or contagion of working people caused by the coronavirus.

In both cases, the duration of this exceptional benefit will be determined by the part of withdrawal for isolation and the corresponding discharge. In addition, it is established that the self-employed or third-party worker who is on the date of the causal act registered in any of the Social Security regimes may be entitled to this benefit.

"The date of the causative event will be the date on which the isolation or illness of the worker is agreed, without prejudice to the fact that the leave of absence is issued after that date," according to the regulation.

In this way, the Government changes the criterion regarding isolation , since less than two weeks ago Social Security clarified in a note that workers in preventive isolation due to the virus were considered to be temporarily disabled (sick leave) due to a common illness , if they fulfilled the other requirements and in accordance with the Social Security regime.


Measures "forceful and thoughtful" are those that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, will communicate today, after the meeting of an extraordinary Council of Ministers that is taking place this morning after the WHO officially declared the coronavirus as a pandemic.

The measures, in the labor and economic sphere, try to alleviate the effects of the coronavirus in families (there are no classes in the whole country and there are parents who cannot telework) with help for the care of minors, and companies (business drop) with lines of credit to favor their liquidity or deferrals and tax moratoriums. [ The Government announces an extraordinary benefit for parents who lose work hours due to the crisis ]


The Tokyo Stock Exchange closed today with a decrease of 4.41 percent in the Nikkei, its main indicator, to its worst level in almost three years , in another day marked by the intensification of fears due to the coronavirus crisis, reports Efe .

The Nikkei opened the trade with a drop of more than 2% after the collapse of the day before on Wall Street and the World Health Organization declaring the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic, and accentuated its fall after the United States announced the cancellation of trips between that country and Europe.


While Madrid, is losing its usual pulse and has its health system overwhelmed, the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, today presents the health plan for the 102 hospitals in the region that includes, among other measures, doubling the number of beds in order to attend to a rebound in patients affected by the coronavirus, since "the worst will happen in the next three weeks".

According to the Health data provided yesterday, in the region there are 31 deaths and 1,024 confirmed cases of infection, almost half of the 2,152 confirmed in Spain. [ Madrid asked for measures for 10 days to deal with the coronavirus and the Government refused ]

05.00 Trump is considering declaring a national emergency and limiting flights to Europe

Since the end of February, the United States recommends that all its citizens avoid nonessential travel to Italy due to the coronavirus epidemic that erupted in January. But the spread of Covid-19 in recent weeks in many countries in the region, such as Spain, Germany or France, has led the White House to suspend flights from the United States and Europe as of Friday, with the exception of the United Kingdom. for 30 days. [ Trump suspends for 30 days all flights from Europe to the US due to the coronavirus ]

00.00 Wall Street sinks 5.86%

Wall Street sank again this Wednesday and its main indicator, the Dow Jones Industrials, closed with losses of 5.86% in another volatile day marked by investors' fear of the economic slowdown derived from the coronavirus crisis, which today It was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).

22.00 Italy closes all stores and companies

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has announced that all stores, except for food and pharmacies, are required to close in Italy. "It is not necessary to run to the supermarket to make the purchase," added Conte, who warned that "if everyone respects these rules, the country will leave before the emergency" of the coronavirus. [ Italy closes all shops except pharmacies and grocery stores ]

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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Spain
  • Science and Health
  • Pneumonia
  • Wuhan

SaludQatar joins the affected countries in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia prepares for its arrival with 2,200 beds

HealthCOVID-19: 1,770 deaths from coronavirus in China and 70,548 from those infected

Health: Three children infected with coronavirus in Spain

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