Teller Report

Caregivers, how do you envisage these next weeks?

3/12/2020, 8:58:19 PM

The president asked for the mobilization of all the caregivers faced with the epidemic

Illustration of two doctors with stethoscopes. - Pixabay

They will have to go to coal. President Macron announced Thursday evening, during his televised address, that all schools, nurseries, colleges, high schools, universities will be closed from next Monday and until further notice. At the same time, he congratulated the caregivers for their mobilization… which will have to continue over the long term, even redouble.

Childcare guaranteed?

"I will ask you to continue to make sacrifices," warned the president, recognizing that the situation of caregivers would be particularly complicated. Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of Education has just announced: "We are going to organize a minimum service for the children of nursing staff". "I count on you to help the neighbor when he is a caregiver and when he needs a daycare solution," suggested Emmanuel Macron, who calls for national solidarity. "The Minister of Health will clarify the rules in the coming hours so that we help you protect yourself from the virus," also warned the president.

These announcements arrive in a climate where hospitals are already very fragile. Many doctors, both liberal and hospital, warned that the health system was already mobilized, but in difficulty. Lack of masks, staff, bed ... Is our health system able to absorb a tsunami of this magnitude? On February 27, Emmanuel Macron, visiting La Pitié Salpêtrière, was arrested by several doctors on urgent needs. "Without the injection of rapid resources, we will not be able to face this type of crisis," explained François Salachas, a neurologist but also a member of the Inter-Hôpitaux collective. And the tenant of the Elysée insisted Thursday evening: "What this pandemic reveals is that free health care, without condition of income, our welfare state, are not costs, but precious goods. "

You are a caregiver, how do you see these coming weeks? Do you have concerns about the ability of our health care system to absorb this crisis? What do you think should be the first priority for hospitals and city services to cope with coronavirus?


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  • Parents
  • Doctor
  • Society
  • Health
  • public school
  • Testimony