Teller Report

Arteta Arsenal coach, Corona 19 'confirmed'… EPL also 'emergency'

3/12/2020, 11:58:19 PM

English Premier Arsenal coach Michel Arteta has been confirmed to have coronavirus infection-19, and the Premier League is also in danger. Arsenal said in a statement, "The Director of Arteta has been tested for Corona19." We closed the London Colony Training Center and will keep those who have been in close contact with the Director of Arteta self-contained under government policy. "

English Premier Arsenal director Mikel Arteta (38, Spain) has been confirmed to have had Coronavirus Infectious Disease-19 (Corona 19), and the Premier League (EPL) also has an emergency.

Arsenal said in a statement, "The Director of Arteta has been tested for Corona19." We closed the London Colony Training Center and will keep those who have been in close contact with the Director of Arteta self-contained under government policy. "

While the number of corona19 patients in Europe has increased, there have been confirmed cases of professional soccer players in Italy and Germany, but this is the first time the current coach has been infected.

Arsenal already had some members in quarantine as Evangelos Marinakis, the owner of the Olympiacos (Greece), who played against the European Football Federation's UEFA Europa League Round of 32 on the 28th of last month, was recently put on hold, and in the aftermath He also postponed his EPL 29 round against Manchester City.

To make matters worse, Arsenal was struck by Corona 19 as the director became a confirmatory and the likelihood of further infections increased.

"I am very disappointed," Arteta said through the club. "I will return to work as soon as the situation allows."

Earlier, three Leicester City players showed signs of Corona19 suspicion, and Man City defender Bengali Mendy was unable to free himself from other teams, including his family's seizure and seclusion.

Even when Leicester City players were known for containment, the EPL Secretariat announced that the weekend game would continue unchanged, according to the government announcement, but it was difficult to avoid a full stop due to the confirmation.

After the announcement of Arsenal's statement, the Secretariat said on the homepage, "We will convene an emergency club meeting to discuss future league schedules. There will be no further stance before the meeting."

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)