Teller Report

Arsenal's manager infected by the corona virus

3/12/2020, 10:55:19 PM

Arsenal manager Mikael Arteta has been tested positive for the corona virus, the Premier League club said in a statement.

Arsenal writes on its website that the people who have been near Arteta will be isolated. This involves most of the a-team squad and the leadership staff. The club also does not expect to be able to play all scheduled matches as planned.

- I tested myself after feeling bad, the message was a real disappointment, I will be back as soon as I get permission, Arteta himself tells Arsenal's website.

The message came just hours after the Premier League announced that this weekend's league matches should be played as planned, with crowds at the stands.

"The health of players, staff and fans is of the utmost importance and we continue to strictly follow the guidelines of the England Public Health Authority," the league writes in a statement.

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Here, the sports are infected by the corona virus