Teller Report

Several VPNs and ad blockers were collecting user data

3/11/2020, 2:16:24 PM

Apple has already removed Sensor Tower products from its offer and Google has meanwhile removed certain apps from the publisher

Personal data (illustration). - geralt / Pixabay

VPNs and ad blocking applications offered by Sensor Tower were reportedly used to collect user data. The programs in question have been downloaded more than 35 million times on Android or iOS, BuzzFeed News revealed on Monday.

The spying was done without the victims' knowledge: the apps never specify their link with Sensor Tower, or the fact that they communicate the data to the specialist in digital analysis. The operation is done using the root certificates that the software asks users to install. The tool allows the editor to access everything that goes through the smartphone of the people concerned.

A list of the apps. Only Luna VPN remains in the App Store as of now. Luna, Adblock, and Free and Unlimited VPN are still in the Play Store. Apple and Google continue to investigate.

- Craig Silverman (@CraigSilverman) March 9, 2020

Anonymized data, according to Sensor Tower

Faced with these revelations, Apple has deleted all of the Sensor Tower apps, reports Presse-Citron. For its part, Google has withdrawn from its offer some programs, including "Mobile Data". The two high-tech giants said they had launched investigations.

When questioned, Sensor Tower said it only collects analytical and anonymized data. No sensitive information or identifying a user is concerned, according to Randy Nelson, responsible for mobile activities. "The vast majority of these apps are now inactive and a few others are disappearing," he said.


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  • Personal data
  • Spying
  • Publicity
  • High-Tech
  • Smartphone
  • Application