Teller Report

Italy: The largest increase in 2,313 confirmed in one day… 12,462 cumulative

3/11/2020, 9:01:19 PM

New coronavirus infectious diseases in Italy were confirmed daily and new deaths were highest. Italian health officials said the total number of confirmed cases was 12,462 at 6 pm on the 11th of the local time.

New coronavirus infections in Italy (Corona19) New confirmed and fatalized daily highs.

Italian health officials said the total number of confirmed cases was 12,462 at 6 pm on the 11th of the local time. This is an increase of 2,313 people from the previous day.

It is the first time that there have been more than 2,000 new confirmed cases per day since the first local infection cases were confirmed in northern Lombardy on the 21st of last month.

In the region of Lombardy, where the virus spreads, there are 1489 new confirmers.

The Italian Civil Protection Agency, which counts the figures, warned the expansion, saying, "Yes, some of the missing new cases were reflected at once."

The death toll was also confirmed as 827, an increase of 196 from the previous day.

Both cumulative diagnoses and deaths are the second highest in the world after China.

The fatality rate, which represents the ratio of cumulative deaths to cumulative number of confirmed patients, also increased to 6.6%.

It's almost twice as high as the World Health Organization (WHO) 's global average fatality rate (3.4%).

Meanwhile, the first confirmed case of Corona 19 came out of the Italian House of Representatives.

According to local media, Congressman Claudio Fedracini from Lombardy was confirmed today.

Among the key figures in Italy's political circles, Nicolas Zingaretti, head of the center-left Democratic Party led by the Italian coalition government, was also confirmed and confirmed that Governor Alberto Chirio Piemonte and Chief of Staff Salvatore Parisna are also infected.