Teller Report

Conte: "Only essential services open"

3/11/2020, 9:07:25 PM

21.53 "Thanks for the sacrifices of the Italians in the fight against the coronavirus: know that your renunciations are making a valuable contribution to the country. Italy is proving to be a great community, an example for others". So the Premier Conte in a message on TV. "Italy reacted more strongly to Coronavirus in Europe". "Throughout Italy, only essential public services will remain open," announced the Prime Minister. Guaranteed banks, post offices, means of transport and all that is "essential".


11 March 202021.53 "Thanks for the sacrifices of the Italians in the fight against coronavirus: know that your renunciations are making a valuable contribution to the country. Italy is proving to be a great community, an example for others". So the Premier Conte in a message on TV. "Italy reacted more strongly to Coronavirus in Europe". "Throughout Italy, only essential public services will remain open," announced the Prime Minister. Guaranteed banks, post offices, means of transport and all that is "essential".