Teller Report

NY market Dow's average stock price rises sharply Expectations of economic measures by Trump administration?

3/10/2020, 9:28:18 PM

The New York Stock Exchange's Dow Jones share price jumped $ 1167 a day, the biggest drop on the previous day. …

NY market Dow Jones average stock price surge, Trump administration expects economic measures or March 11 at 6:17

The New York Stock Exchange's Dow Jones share price jumped $ 1167 a day, the biggest drop on the previous day. Despite price volatility, the spread of the new coronavirus has led to a widespread buying order due to the anticipated economic measures planned by the Trump administration.

The New York Stock Exchange Dow Jones average closing price was $ 1,067,14 cents higher than the previous day at $ 25,018,16 cents.

The price increase is the third largest so far, recovering $ 25,000.

The Dow Jones Average Price, which hit a record drop of more than $ 2,000 the day before, rose sharply immediately after trading commenced, and then turned into a volatile market once it began to fall.

However, expectations for new economic measures following the spread of the new coronavirus announced by President Trump on the 10th have widened the price increase towards the end of the transaction, resulting in more than half of the previous day's price decrease. It is dressed back.

Market officials said, `` While expectations are growing about the Trump administration's economic measures, some investors will take a wait-and-see attitude, saying that the effects and timing of implementation will not be clear, '' paying close attention to the details of the measures Are gathering.