Teller Report

Mass events temporarily banned in Moscow due to coronavirus

3/10/2020, 6:07:24 PM

In Moscow, due to the situation with coronavirus infection, mass events with over five thousand participants will be prohibited until April 10. This was announced by the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin.

“The situation with the spread of coronavirus infection is gradually getting worse ... Today I signed a decree banning mass events in Moscow with over 5,000 participants,” Sobyanin’s website says.

According to him, the festival "Crimean Spring" is canceled, including the celebration of the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea on Tverskaya Street, which was scheduled for March 15.

“Attendance at sporting events, including hockey and football matches, will also be limited to no more than 5,000 participants and fans,” he added.

At the same time, Sobyanin emphasized that the ban is temporary and will be valid until April 10.

Earlier it was reported that the European Weightlifting Championship was postponed due to coronavirus.