Teller Report

Interest-free "borrowing" of epidemic prevention materials Chengdu "anti-epidemic bank" solves the urgent need for enterprise resumption of work

3/10/2020, 3:46:47 PM

[Explanation] At present, with the resumption of production and resumption of production and the return of a large number of employees, the shortage of epidemic prevention materials such as masks and disinfectants has become a pressing issue for many resuming enterprises. In response to this situation, the cooperation street of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone in Sichuan integrated the pre-purchase and epidemic prevention materials donated by caring people and enterprises. On February 10, it established a "epidemic prevention bank" to lend out anti-epidemic materials to resumption enterprises for free. When the goods arrive, you only need to return the original loaned materials to the street.

[Explanation] On March 10, reporters in more than 60 square meters of office saw that the upper left corner of the three rows of shelves are labeled with the "epidemic prevention bank" logo, masks, temperature guns, disinfectant and other anti-epidemic materials are neatly placed Shelves. Ding Huagang, a staff member of the "anti-epidemic bank", told reporters that enterprises applying for borrowing materials must first provide the street with enterprise information and logistics information of purchased materials. After the information is verified, the enterprise is notified to collect the materials.

[Same period] (Ding Huagang, a staff member of the "epidemic prevention bank") After receiving our application, we will release the materials they need to enterprises as soon as possible, and notify them the next day. Generally, the borrowing time is seven days. If there are special circumstances, it can be postponed after application.

[Explanation] On the morning of the same day, the person in charge of a company in the cooperative street, Li Yude, brought in a temperature gun that he borrowed from the "Immunization Bank" yesterday, and returned it. After the return information was registered, a flow of anti-epidemic materials was between the loans. finished.

[Contemporary] (Leader of a certain company in Hecheng District, Chengdu High-tech Zone) Our company started on the 9th and lacked some epidemic prevention equipment (materials). Today, on the 10th, our (purchased anti-epidemic materials) thing has arrived, so we are in a hurry to send back the anti-epidemic materials first. We are afraid that if some other companies want to use it, some things may not be enough on our side, and we are afraid to delay these things.

[Explanation] Jiang Hongbing, member of the Cooperative Street Party Working Committee and deputy director of the office, said that the number of companies that have resumed work recently in the area is large. It is not a long-term plan to distribute epidemic prevention materials without compensation. Only by borrowing and returning, can inventory be made. Anti-epidemic materials have flowed and exerted greater value.

[Contemporary] (Jiang Hongbing, Member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Cooperative Street of Chengdu High-tech Zone) The main idea of ​​the "anti-epidemic bank" is to use the concept of bank lending to solve the urgent needs of enterprises. It is in this form of borrowing that the company's urgently needed anti-epidemic materials are lent to it in time, and then it will be returned to us after it arrives by itself. Then through this flow, we help the next company that needs our help to support its resumption of production.

[Explanation] It is understood that at present, 32 companies in the cooperative street jurisdiction have borrowed materials from the "epidemic prevention bank", and all of them have been returned within the time limit.

[Contemporary] (Jiang Hongbing, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the office in the cooperation street of Chengdu High-tech Zone) The next step is to further optimize our work process, and the second is to raise some of our anti-epidemic materials. With the improvement of the epidemic situation, according to regulations, it is possible that primary and secondary schools in some jurisdictions, including some colleges and universities, will also start school one after another. Then we want to provide them with certain help and provide certain guarantees through this.

Chen Xuanbin reports from Chengdu, Sichuan

Editor-in-chief: [Yuechuan]