Teller Report

General Administration of Customs: further reduce customs clearance costs and promote steady growth in foreign trade

3/10/2020, 8:41:21 AM

CCTV News: The General Administration of Customs today (10th) introduced new measures from the four aspects of reduction and exemption of late payment fees and late payment fees, further reducing customs clearance costs, actively promoting the resumption of production and production of enterprises, and the steady growth of foreign trade.

According to the new measures, imported goods that have arrived at the port before the outbreak but cannot be declared in time due to the outbreak, and imported goods that cannot be declared in time due to operating difficulties or shortage of funds after the resumption of work by the enterprise can be based on customs. The measures for the collection of deferred payment for imported goods shall be applied to the customs of the place of declaration for reduction or exemption.

Enterprises that have difficulty in paying taxes due to the epidemic situation can also submit a written application to the customs of the place of application for tax extension and provide a tax payment plan for up to 3 months.

In addition, for goods declared to be imported before the end of April and released with bank guarantee or customs guarantee insurance, the enterprise can apply for a maximum extension of 3 months. At the same time, if the manual is overdue due to delayed resumption of work during the epidemic period, the company may apply to the competent customs office for a temporary extension of the manual validity period; if the declaration business of processing, deep processing carry-over, and domestic sales exceeds the prescribed time limit, the company may apply for an extension Customs formalities.

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