Teller Report

Eliminate alcohol shortage for disinfection Encourage manufacturers to increase production with subsidies

3/10/2020, 9:28:24 PM

In response to the lack of disinfecting alcohol in nursing care providers due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the government has issued a new subsidy and the manufacturer has…

6:18 on March 11 to encourage manufacturers to increase production with subsidies to eliminate shortage of alcohol for disinfection

In response to the lack of alcohol for disinfecting care providers and others due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the government has issued new subsidies to encourage manufacturers to increase production.

The demand for disinfecting alcohol has rapidly increased due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and the shortage has become severe even among care providers.

For this reason, the government has included subsidies to newly invested manufacturers to increase the production of rubbing alcohol as part of the second emergency response plan compiled on October 10.

Large and medium-sized enterprises subsidize two-thirds of the cost of installing production equipment, and small and medium-sized enterprises subsidize three-quarters.

The subsidy is limited to 30 million yen per production line, but the total budget of 160 million yen is added to the increase in mask production.

According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, production of rubbing alcohol last month increased 1.8 times compared to last month's average, but it was unable to keep up with the surge in demand and decided to encourage further production. Is.